Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 61
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
hanges in freshwater resources availability, quality, stream
flow and in river ecosystems are the major expected impacts
of anthropogenic pressure and climate change in watersheds.
Freshwater reduction deteriorates water supply and increases
water demand. Thus, a long-term study of the quality and quantity
of freshwater sources is urgently required, aswell as identification
and prediction of expected hydrochemical changes are needed. In
current work, the determination of changes in concentrations of
over 22 metals in the source of the Gegharot River was done for
2007-2016. The Gegharot River is main drinking water source of
the relatively large villages (about 1700-3000 person) of Aragats
Mountain region in Armenia. The runoffs of snow-melt water at
2200 m down top of the mountain are the parts of Gexarot River’s
streamssystemand they flowthrough themanganinand ironores.
The anthropogenic and climate change impacts on the river water
qualitywere studied and estimated. It was shown, that in the result
of the changes of climate conditions, natural acid springs were
started tomix with the Gegharot source, which leads the decrease
in pH value until 3-4, as well as 10-100 increase in concentrations
of Mn, Fe, Ni and other metals in water during one-two months in
summer and autumn. Due to the deterioration of environmental
flow in mid-flow of the river, as a result of small HPPs operation,
the hydrochemical changes in the Gegharot source was observed
longer and more frequently. Thus, the Gegharot drinking water
source is being violated by the anthropogenic impact and is
strongly required to be protected.
liana_margaryan@yahoo.comStudy of changes in the hydrochemical regime of drinking water
source - Gegharot River, Armenia
Liana Margaryan
Yerevan State University, Armenia
J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-015