Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 57
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
NESCO recommended introduction of Education for
Sustainable Development, at high‐school and undergraduate
levels. Consequently, educators introduced new syllabi and
innovative teaching through a problem‐oriented approach. The
latter dwells on current, socio‐ economically important themes,
especially those related to green chemistry and sustainability.
Increasingly, educators are shifting to student‐centered active
learning teaching where the students work in groups to solve
relevant problems. Active learning should be extended to high‐
school students. On all levels, we should link the experimental
results to theory. We used active learning to present diverse
topics to high school and undergraduate students. Examples are
experiments on chemical kinetics to teach reaction mechanism;
dyeing and SEM microscopy to explain the reason for consumer
preference for natural fibers, and different methods of analysis
of bioethanol and biodiesel and their blends with petroleum‐
based fuels (gasoline and diesel oil). Methods for the latter
analysis include the use of natural or synthetic dyes that show
solvatochromism (UV‐Vis) and simple instrumental analysis, e.g.,
to measure the densities and refractive indices of fuel blends.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of fuel composition was
doneusingsimplegas chromatography–flame ionizationdetector
(GC/FID) and advanced equipment, gas chromatography–mass
spectrometry (GC/MS). The positive answer of the students to
our approach is stimulating; the contact between high school and
the university is both demanding and rewarding.
elseoud.usp@gmail.comChemistry education for undergraduate and high school
students: using biofuel analysis to learn theory from
Omar A El Seoud
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-015