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Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN 2472-1123
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E d i t i o n o f E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 9
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Chemistry 2019
epletion of high grade resources has necessitated the use of low grade
fines, which contain good amount of mineral values and liberate in finer
sizes. Froth-flotation, a physico-chemical surface based process, is the most
established solution, both technologically and economically compared to
other alternatives for fines beneficiation. For successful and effective flotation
performance, an understanding of the mineral surface specific adsorption
mechanism and proper selection of the reagents regimes along with their
molecular chemistry is mandated. This study focuses on the complexity of
the flotation process along with adsorption and interaction mechanism of
different surfactants in accordance to mineral surface characteristics and their
dependency on many micro events. Chemistry lays the foundation and plays
a major role in advancement of flotation process. In flotation, many branches
of chemistries are involved i.e. study of mineral is related to inorganic and
crystal chemistry, interaction between slurry solution and mineral surface is
associated with physical chemistry, surfactants used in flotation are related to
organic chemistry, structural chemistry, polymer chemistry, electro chemistry
and finally product examination are related to analytical chemistry. To further
strengthen mineral flotation chemistry, research gears at investigating new
surfactants, as it is hard to imagine flotation without chemistry. The selection
of reagents with appropriate chemical composition and their administration
are of critical importance in view of varied mineralogy, chemical complexity
and size consist of feed material. Future investigative research should be
towards development of selective and cost effective flotation reagents by
insertion of new functional groups, molecular modelling of reagents for more
environmental friendly nature, modifying the structure of other chelating agents
and novel green chemicals from renewable resources, adding aliphatic alcohol
and carboxylic acid to bio-based collectors, adding chaotropic anions to alkyl
and aryl surfactants, organic and inorganic salts having strong orientation with
more proton donor and acceptor, another cationic group to known surfactants,
can be tried for enhanced flotation performance. The study also provides a
glimpse on the effect of other parameters like pH, composition of pulp, zeta
potential, electrostatic potential etc.
Abhyarthana Pattanaik currently works as Research Scholar
(PhD) in the Department of Fuel and Mineral Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. She currently
works on the area of Flotation of iron ore fines and slimes, a
potentially commercializable process for fines processing.
She has done extensive survey of the process, has put a lot
of research efforts so far, attempted new reagent regimes,
the fundamentals of reagent-mineral surface interaction
chemistry etc. Besides the exhaustive physical, chemical and
mineralogical characterization of the iron ore sample, she
has carried out flotation experiments (both direct and reverse
flotation). She has published five international journal papers
in reputed journals and has published more than six papers
in international and national conferences and has won two
awards for research during her PhD career.
abhyap10@gmail.comApplication of chemistry for the advancement of froth
flotation process: an overview and visionary approach
Abhyarthana Pattanaik and Venugopal Rayasam
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India
Abhyarthana Pattanaik et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2019, Volume: 5
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-020