Chemistry 2019
Session Chair
Dieter Herlach
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Session Co-Chair
Won-Chun Oh
Hanseo University, South Korea
Session Introduction
Day 1
F e b r u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 1 9
S e s s i o n s
Organic Chemistry | Chemical Engineering |
Material Science and Chemistry | Electrochemistry
| Environmental Chemistry | Nano-Chemistry and
Technologies | Inorganic Chemistry
Gold-catalyzed one-pot synthesis of substituted oxazoles from 3-trimethylsilyl propargylic alcohols
and amides
Nobuyoshi Morita,
Showa Pharmaceutical University, Japan
Cross-sections, transport coefficients and dissociation rate constants of rare gas dimer ions in
collision with their parent gas for cold plasma modelling
Malika Benhenni
Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France
Can innovative chemical technologies improve radical chemistry?
Estelle Banaszak-Léonard,
TIMR UTC/ESCOM Compiegne, France
Synthesis of silacyclic compounds induced by addition of in-situ generated silyl cations to multiple bonds
Takayuki Kawashima,
Gunma University, Japan
Effect of reagent chemistry on flotation of mixed copper ore
Silpa Sweta Jena ,
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India
Application of chemistry for the advancement of froth flotation process: an overview and visionary
Abhyarthana Pattanaik,
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India
The optimisation of complex industrial processes
Robert Meier,
DSM Materials Science Center, The Netherlands