Neurosurg, an open access journal
ISSN: 2471-9633
Page 31
August 14-16, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
Ramadan Galal Kamal Shamseldien
Shebin Al Kom Teaching Hospital, Mansoura
Complex HCP as sequelea of severe TBI case presentation
emale child 6ys old presented at ER, after RTA 6months
ago. GCS 7∕15, post traumatic epilepsy initial CT; brain
edema. She suffering chest problems when she off MV
and chest improved, CT brain; show HCP with Rt frontal
hygroma, neurologically she has repeated fits and GCS
10∕15, conservative treatment. Not controlled follow up CT;
disappeared hygroma and increased HCP. VP shunt inserted
followed by immediate improvement. After discharge
she get infection, readmitted managed conservatively,
ever subside but conscious level not improved and fits
not controlled, she developed distal shunt failure and CSF
peritoneal pesudocyst. Distal revision was done followed
by short period of improvement , then distal shunt failure
and reformation of CSF peritoneal pesudocyst occurred.
Lastly VA shunt was done followed by stabilization of the
case improved conscious level and controlled fits and return
normal activity.
Speaker Biography
Ramadan Galal Kamal Shamseldien, Neurosurgery MD. Lecturer of neurosurgery, She-
bin Elkom Teaching Hospital, Egypt. He is a member of Egyptian Society of Neurologi-
cal Surgeons (ESNS), Egyptian Spine Association (ESA), and Middle East Spine Society
(MESS). He was born on 1977 in Egypt. He was graduated from Faculty of Medicine,
Alazhar University in 2001. He underwent neurosurgery residency training in Mansou-
ra international Hospital. He has completed his MD neurosurgery at Alazhar University,
Egypt in 2013. He is well trained to perform all the standard brain, spinal, and pe-
ripheral nerve surgeries with special interest in pediatric surgery and spinal fixation.
He published numerous national and international papers concerning Metastatic brain
tumors, Endoscopic suturectomy, Posterior craniocervical fixation, Spontaneous ICH
(STICH II study), and Grading system for cranial suture closure.
ramadangalal77@gmail.comRamadan Galal Kamal Shamseldien, Neurosurg 2017, 2:2
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-004