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December 06-07 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Journal of Neuropsychiatry
ISSN: 2471-8548
Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2018
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W o r l d c o n g r e s s o n
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
There are many factors that can prevent or promote one’s chances for the development of diseases. One example is alcohol
use. Alcohol consumption remains part of our social milieu. Harmful alcohol use is a significant public health problem that
often begins early in adult life. Globally, an estimated 2 billion people drink alcohol and 76 million have alcohol use disorders
(AUD). Amongst a range of organ damage outcomes, chronic alcohol abuse and particularly binge-type alcoholism causes
neuropathological sequelae leading to brain dysfunction and dementia. Due to this, alcohol is known to have effects on memory
and other cognitive functions in humans and animals. Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with alcohol-use disorders (AUDs),
with 75% of individuals that abuse alcohol having a current or previous diagnosis of an anxiety disorder.
Nigella sativa
(NS) plant
seeds are called black cumin or black seeds.
Nigella sativa
oil (NSO) has several physiological and pharmacological properties
that can improve the behaviour and systems. As the attractive dietary approaches towards disease prevention involve inexpensive
and low risk substances, one of the purpose of this study is to explore the ability of dietary supplementation of black cumin oil to
prevent alcohol induced detrimental behaviour like anxiety and memory impairment. To explore the effects of NSO, male Wistar
rats were used and divided into water and alcohol groups and given water or alcohol in drinking bottles for 28 days. NSO was
administered by oral gavage. Animals weighted daily and behavioural measurements (weekly) and sacrificed. Brain and blood
were collected and immediately frozen for molecular markers associated with behaviour like dementia.
Alcohol showed significant reduction in weight, weaken memory and anxiety level compared to water drinking animals.
NSO treatment improved behaviour in alcohol drinking animals by enhancing the memory and reducing the anxiety but in water
drinking animals NSO improved the memory only. Effects of NSO treatment on weight were not significant in both the groups.
Conclusion & Significance:
Nigella sativa
oil is capable of enhancing memory. It can significantly ameliorate the anxiety caused
by chronic alcohol consumption. and disconnections of
Nigella Sativa
oil in alcohol induced behavioral deficits in male
Wistar rats
Beenish Asrar, Judith Homberg and Darakhshan J Haleem
Radboud University Medical Center, Nethelands
PCMD-ICCBS, University of Karachi, Pakistan
J Neurol Neurosci 2018, Volume: 2
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8548-C1-003