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December 06-07 , 2018

Amsterdam, Nether l ands

Journal of Neuropsychiatry

ISSN: 2471-8548

Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2018

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W o r l d c o n g r e s s o n

Alzheimer’s and Dementia


sp70 and other molecular chaperones function as a complex neuroprotective system, which fails in the brains of aged

people and Alzheimer disease (AD)-type neuropathologies. It was demonstrated that intranasally injected exogenous Hsp70

(eHsp70) effectively bypassed the blood-brain barrier and penetrates brain regions of the model animals. It was shown that

chronic administration of eHsp70 decreases beta-amyloid level and the number of Aβ-plaques in two mouse models of AD. In

both cases, eHsp70 restored learning and memory parameters as well as functional state of neurons. Characteristically, eHsp70

treatment increased synaptophysin level and protects neurons in brain areas most affected in AD patients such as hippocampus

and neocortex. It was also demonstrated that eHsp70 can promote longevity and life quality in male mice. The eHsp70 treatment

decreased accumulation of aging marker lipofuscin and modulates the activity of UPS by increasing expression of several

proteasome subunits including immunoproteasome subunit β5i. Deep sequencing studies exploring mice of brain regions of

AD-model ̶ 5XFAD different age groups treated with eHsp70 revealed candidate genes and signal pathways probably underlying

beneficial effects of eHsp70 treatment. Taken together, our findings established intranasal administration of exogenous human

Hsp70 as a practical therapeutic approach for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases and aging.

Intranasal administration of Hsp70: molecular and

therapeutic consequences

Evgen’ev M B


, Garbuz D G


, Morozov AV


and Bobkova N V



Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russia


Institute of Cell Biophysics-RAS, Russia

J Neurol Neurosci 2018, Volume: 2

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8548-C1-003