Journal of Stem Cell Biology and Transplantation
ISSN: 2575-7725
December 03-04, 2018
Valencia, Spain
Advanced Stem Cell 2018
Page 24
Edition of EuroSciCon Conference on
Advanced Stem Cell &
Regenerative Medicine
Hong Lin, J Stem Cell Biol Transplant 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.21767/2575-7725-C1-001
e are developing a protocol that defines how wearable and
sensing technologies can be used in detecting a subject’s
mental state and how smart phone and social media can be
used to develop applications that use contemplative practices
to solve psychological and mental health issues. We have used
electroencephalography (EEG) data to build brain state models
that can identify characteristics of mental states. Then, we
design an inducive system that can guide the meditator into
the meditating state. We will design the system with the EEG
sensors tracking the attention status, and virtual 3D images of
natural sceneries or images. With this system built up, we will
implement a stress reduction system that helps people reduce
the mental stress. Broadened study on this method will help
build useful protocols for other contemplative practices and their
uses in developing healthcare applications to address various
psychological and mental problems.
Hong Lin pursued his PhD in Computer Science (1997) from the University
of Science and Technology of China, P R China. He worked as a Postdoc-
toral Research Associate at Purdue University, USA; an Assistant Research
Officer at the National Research Council, Canada, and a Software Engi-
neer at Nokia Inc. Currently, he is a Professor in Computer Science and an
Assistant Chair in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Technology at University of Houston-Downtown. His research interests
include human-centered computing, cognitive intelligence, data analytics
and parallel/distributed computing. He is also the Supervisor of the Grid
Computing Lab at University of Houston-Downtown(UHD). He is also a
Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA.
linh@uhd.eduHow can contemplative practices
help the social well-being?
Hong Lin
University of Houston, USA