Volume 4
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
October 04-05, 2018 Moscow, Russia
Edition of International Conference on
International Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
Materials Technology and Manufacturing Innovations
Advanced Nanotechnology 2018
& Materials-Manufacturing 2018
October 04-05, 2018
Page 24
Valyaev Alexandr
Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, Russia
Valyaev Alexandr, Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C5-020
Ways to accelerate nanotechnologies implementation in the health care system
ommercialization of nanotechnologies in Russian Health Care System RHCS requires detail analysis of all obstacles.
Here we discuss 3 problems: Prof. Ilizarov’s apparatus; ‘Perftorun’, known as ‘blue blood’ therapy of Russian prof.
Beloyartsev; ‘Litar’ and artificial bone technology of Prof. Krasnov, used to replace bones defects. We look into challenges of
Russian nanotechnology clusters and education. Prof. Petrov, coauthor of our communication, has his own rich experience in
implementing new nanotechnologies, used to treat injured military personnel in Russian armed conflicts, such as Chechen war.
Russian technology innovations require 30 - 40 years for commercialization, 5 - 10 years in USA . Substantial investment capital
significant stringent requirements and high chance of technology failure in preclinical or clinical trials hinder this development
in developed countries. Stringent regulatory approval state process further increases time and cost its moving to the market.
Patent protection is often key strategy to attract multimillion investment required for early stage transition of medical technology
into commercial product. Our proposal is to enhance commercial translation of 3 above mentioned organizations. Then enable
treatment of severe bone fractures and injuries, where patient’s own tissues cannot be employed. These technologies were
validated through surgical procedure performed in military. RHCS authorities are evaluated based on how efficiently they
conduct certification and regulatory approval of new medical technologies.
Recent Publications
1. A.N. Valyaev, S.V. Kazakov, A.A. H. D. Passell et. al . “Assessments of Risks and Possible Ecological and Economic
Damages from Large-Scale Natural and Man-Induced Catastrophes in Ecology-Hazard Regions of Central Asia
and the Caucasus.” In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series -C: Environmental Security, Proc. of NATO
Advanced Research Workshop: “Prevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Threat”, May
2-7, 2007 Yerevan, Armenia, Editors: S. Apikyan et. al. Published House: Springer, Netherlands, 2008, pp.
2. G.M. Aleksanyan, A.N .Valyaev, K I. Pyuskyulyan. “Several approaches to the solution of water contamination
problems in transboundary rivers, crossing the territory of Armenia” in NATO Science Series: Proc. of NATO
Advanced ResearchWorkshop: “Nuclear Risk in Central Asia”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, June 20-22, 2006. Editors:
B. Salbu and L. Skipperud, Published House: Springer Science +Business Media B.V. 2008, Netherlands, pp.
3. A.N. Valyaev, S.V. Kazakov, A.A. H. D. Passell et. al . “Assessments of Risks and Possible Ecological and Economic
Damages from Large-Scale Natural and Man-Induced Catastrophes in Ecology-Hazard Regions of Central Asia
and the Caucasus.” in NATO Science for Peace and Security Series -C: Environmental Security, Proc. of NATO
Advanced ResearchWorkshop: “Nuclear Risk in Central Asia”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, June 20-22, 2006. Editors:
B. Salbu and L. Skipperud, Published House: Springer Science +Business Media B.V. 2008, Netherlands, pp.