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Nano Research & Applications

ISSN 2471-9838

Advanced Nano 2017

Page 67

September 11-12, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands



International Conference on

Advanced Nanotechnology

Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into

cardiac linage on modified nanofiber scaffold

Arun Kumar

1, 2


Edward Marks



Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia


University of Delaware, USA


he cardiovascular disease and death has led

researchers to look beyond pharmaceutical standards


Annually in the United States alone 600,000 people die

of heart disease. The innovation is to use the modified

nanofiber scaffold and (hBMSC) human bone marrow

derived stem cells as a regenerative medicine strategy

to replace damaged cardiac tissue after traumatic events

such as a heart attack . The induced pluripotent stem cells

(iPSCs) allows the development of beating cardiac tissue

in vitro. Recent research has demonstrated two advances

in hBMSC therapy for cardiac healing: first, priming

the cells in vitro for eventual transplantation aides cell

survival and terminal differentiation once deposited to the

cardiac niche and second, paracrine factors produced by

hBMSCs while differentiating in culture. These discoveries

lead us to develop the modified nanofiber scaffold based

hBMSc to differentiate in to cardio myocytes to repair the

damaged heart. Cell-based therapies as treatment for

MI (Myocardial Infraction) have demonstrated safety in

vivo but mixed efficacy. We developed an adjustable rat

model of MI (Myocardial Infraction) to test the therapeutic

effectiveness of intracardiac injections of hBMSCs primed

on protein- and small molecule-coated nanoscaffolds

which has demonstrated increased cardiac biomarker

expression and decreased canonical WNT signaling.

Myocardial infraction (MI) rat model to mimic the human

MI conditions is created by subcutaneous administration

of isoproterenol resulted in dose dependent myocardial

damage. After intracardiac injections, hBMSCs combined

with nanofiber scaffold engrafted within the heart and

provided increased EF in animals given low and medium/

high cardiac damage, compared to sham operated rats.

These results demonstrate stem cells based therapies

are not conducive to all levels of MI severity, and future

stem cell trials will be aided by standardizing definitions of

cardiac improvement.

Nano Research & Applications