Page 69
Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
he automotive industry is widely viewed as being the industry
in which the greatest volume of advanced composite
materials will be used in the future to produce light vehicles.
Now-a-days, several advanced materials are widely used in
automotive industry. Because of its multifunctional properties
and promising applications, many expectations in composite
materials are related to graphene. However, no application of
graphene basedmaterials is currently marketed in the automotive
sector. Therefore, research activities are under development
to study the potentiality of these systems and all the value
chain of automotive needs to be involved in this effort. One of
most challenging aim is the economic impact of the innovative
structures on the vehicle market, all the value’s chain have to
address their effort to get the final cost of the innovative products
as low as possible. The present initiative provides a summary
overview on graphene related materials (GRMs) for automotive
applications and investigates efficient ways to integrate graphene
as polymer reinforcements within composite materials for energy
efficient and safe vehicles (EESVs). The idea is based on the
concept oriented light weight design aiming for combination of
light structures with novel multifunctional materials. For such a
purpose, GRMs are addressed with respect to some challenging
factors, for instance the large scale production of graphene
or the non-existence of constitutive material models for high
performance structural applications like crash worthiness.
Therefore, accurate material models need to be developed to
support simulation of structural design for these vehicles. A
focus on the hierarchical modelling of GRMs with an emphasis
on the multiscale constitutive behaviors of each material phase
is elaborated in the framework of the graphene flagship to well
understand such limitations for a full applicability of graphene. It is
anticipated that this initiative will advance innovative lightweight
graphene nanocomposites and their relatedmodelling, designing,
manufacturing, and joining capabilities suitable for automotive
industry which requires unique levels of affordability, mechanical
performance, green environmental impact and energy efficiency.
This leads to complete understanding of the new graphene
nanocomposites and their applicability in high-volume production
scenarios. A
University of Sunderland, UK
Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-028
Automotive graphene based nanocomposites