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Advance Nursing Practice 2018

J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 41

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN 2574-2825


t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Advance Nursing Practice


ork consists of any physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the

purposeful production or accomplishment of something. This means that

work occurs in the homes, in schools, as part of one’s employment, and during

volunteer work. To work is to do, to accomplish. With this definition, returning

the worker/patient to work encompasses occupational therapy as a whole, as

clinicians assist their clients to achieve their fullest capacity in all aspects of

life. A fundamental goal of occupational therapist is to facilitate the client’s

highest level of functional status in all occupations and all contexts of life,

including physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and communicative dimensions.

Worksite evaluations are on-the-job assessments to determine whether an

individual can return to work after onset of a disability or whether a person can

benefit from reasonable accommodations to maintain employment. The first

step is job analysis, followed by a worksite evaluation. Next, the occupational

therapist schedules a time with the employer and the worker to meet at the

worksite where he/she assesses the work, the worker, and the workplace. The

very last step in the worksite evaluation is to assess the work environment. The

environment outside the immediate work area should be evaluated (parking

if driving or access to public transportation; access into the building, break

room, and restroom), as well as the workstation itself. All work areas that the

worker may use, need to be investigated to identify obstacles and find solutions

to increase accessibility. The professionals involved in the occupational

health team can include some or the entire following Mo: occupational health

nurses, occupational health physicians, industrial hygienists, safety engineers,

work organization specialists, psychologists, counselors, physiotherapists,

occupational therapists, health economists, academic researchers and others.

Occupational health nurses play an essential role in health assessment for

fitness to work, pre employment or pre placement examinations, periodic health

examinations and individual health assessments for lifestyle risk factors.

The occupational health nurse is often the key person in the rehabilitation

programme who will, with the manager and individual employee, complete a

risk assessment, devise the rehabilitation programme, monitor progress and

communicate with the individual, the occupational health physician and the line

manager. Collaboration with occupational therapist may be necessary in many

instances, depending upon exiting legislation and accepted practice. Planned

rehabilitation strategies, can help to ensure safe return to work for employees

who have been absent from work due to ill health or injury.


Nanaki Singh has an excellent academic record and plans to

pursue a career in Neurological Rehabilitation. After completing

her Bachelor’s, she intends to go to University of Toronto for her

Master’s. A voracious reader of mystery, fiction and young adult

novels, she has travelled abroad and participated in conferences

related to science and health. With exposure to international

audience at a young age, she is keen on collaboration for her

master’s and research.

Workplace rehabilitation: working with differently abled

Nanaki Singh

Jamia Hamdard, India

Nanaki Singh, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C3-008