Advance Nursing Practice 2018
Young Reasearch Forum
Day 1
J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 8
S e s s i o n s
Nursing Primary Care | Nursing Education &
Research | Types of Nursing | Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing | Rehabilitation therapy
| Neonatal Care and Midwifery | Gynaecological
Nursing | Nursing Informatics
Julie Crane
University of Liverpool, UK
The relationship between dyadic adjustment and prenatal attachment in pregnancy
B Kucukkaya,
Trakya University, Turkey
The relationshipbetweenweight-relatedbodyperception inpregnancyandacceptanceof pregnancy
Sevcan Oz,
Trakya University, Turkey
The peculiarity of training and attestation of students for work by middle medical staff in the Russia
Nerushay A A,
Russian National Research Medical University, Russia
The role of psychiatric nurses in managing psychotic depression in older adults
Tom Vermeulen,
University Psychiatric Hospital of Duffel, Belgium
Workplace rehabilitation: working with differently abled
Nanaki Singh,
Jamia Hamdard, India