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Advance Nursing Practice 2018

J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 39

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN 2574-2825


t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Advance Nursing Practice


Since March 2012 in Russia, all medical students have the right to pass attestation for admission to medical activities in the

position of middle medical staff. Attestation, according to the order of the Minister of Health, includes 3 levels: testing, assessment of practical

skills, interview. The exam is held in Russian, and students are examed specially formed commissions at the universities that have the right to

allow or deny admission to medical activities. The certification program consists of life safety and first aid in the framework of the discipline

"Life Safety, Disaster Medicine", practical skills mastered during the passage of production and training practices from the 1 to 3 courses in the

medical institutions.

Material & Methods:

The analysis of certification’s results among students of senior courses (4-6) RNRMU (Pirogov Russian National Research

Medical University) in 2013 - 2017 is carried out. For 5 years, 3626 applications for certification have been submitted. The number of students

attending to the attestation was 3418 from who 82% (2770) were certified and 18% (619) were not. Tests, practical skills testing and interview

according to the international standards. Before the exam, students had the opportunity to practice in the simulator center of the university. For

the motivation study of future doctors 146 students who submitted applications were interviewed online for admission to work as an middle

medical staff in January of 2018. There are 96 students from 4 cours, 25 - 5 cours and 25 - 6 cours; 79.5% of women and 20.5% of men. There

were 72.6% of students from pediatric faculty and 27.4% of the therapeutic.


There were 77.4% of students received admission to work, 22.6% were not certified. The students who passed the exam were divided

into 2 groups - employed (the first group) and not employed (the second group). The first group was analyzed the nursing work experience and

the specialization where the students work. The second group was analyzed the reason of restrictions on employment. And also, the motivation

to participate in attestation (personal, professional, social) was revealed. The work experience in the position of nurses in the first group was

0-3 months (43.5%, 20 people), 3-6 months (26.6%, 12 people), 6-12 months (13%, 6 people), 1 year - 1.6 months (6.5%, 3 people), 2 years - 3

years (10.9%, 5 people). The students worked in the following departments: Pediatrics (35.9%, 19 people), first aid (18.7% 11 people), pediatric

surgery (13%, 6 people), polyclinic (13%, 6 people), therapy (8.7 %, 4 people), obstetrics and gynecology (6.5%, 3 people), Drugstore (4.2%, 2

people). In the second group, 37.4% (25 people) answered that there was no suitable vacancy, 20.9% (14 people) noted a high competition

in hiring, 19.4% (13 people) answered that they were in the finding a work, 11.9% (8 people) answered that they didn’t want to waste time,

as medical practice is forward and 7 people (10.4%) lost interest in employment. The new rules of admission to the residency published in

2017. That means that students who have the work experience could have benefits. The great number of the students want to take part in the

examination. There is 45% of students who had such motivation. For example, in 2017, there were 1087 applications for the exam who723

students passed the exam and 242 did not. There are 30% of respondents were motivated by the financial side of the issue, and 25% noted

an interest in extending knowledge and training skills. Research showed that half of the students would change their decision to apply for the

attestation if it would be paid. 74.5% students noted that there are not enough training courses for the exam preparing. The attestations are

for free. Almost all the employed students are satisfied with their work as nurse staff and they work in the sphere of the future specialization.


This certification allows to fill the lack of nursing staff working seats in healthcare facilities, pharmacies. Students can improve

their professional level, get a closer look at future work, which plays an important role in choosing a profession, and partially solves the financial

side of student life. The Commission noted the need to modernize the certification: to organize additional preliminary training, as well as to

organize all three levels in one day.


Presently, Nerushay A A is a student of the 6


form of the Russian National Research Medical University by N I Pirogov (RNRMU). He was the head of the student scientific

society of the disaster medicine department from 2014 to 2017. He passed the nurse exam, had work and volunteer experiences. He had more than 10 abstracts in Russian and

international journals.

The peculiarity of training and attestation of students for

work by middle medical staff in Russia

Nerushay A A, Levchuk I P, Kostyuchenko M V and Muradyan T G

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia

Nerushay A A et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C3-008