Journal of Preventive Medicine
ISSN: 2572-5483
July 16-17, 2018
London, UK
Preventive Medicine 2018
Page 33
Edition of International Conference on
Preventive Medicine
& Public Health
Hepatitis A an unexpected return? A focus
on a selected northern Italian population
M. Monari
Istituto Clinico Humanitas - IRCCS, Italy
M. Monari, J Prev Med 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2572-5483-C1-001
Between January andMay 2013, 352 cases of HAV
infection were notified in Italy corresponding to a 70% increase
compared to thesameperiod in2012 [12]. HepatitisAvirus (HAV)
infection is an acute, self-limited liver disease transmitted usually
through the faecal-oral route via person-to-person contact. Aim
of this study is understand the actual abnormal relevation of
positive cases in a selected northen Italian population in 2017.
We analyzed two different set of patients: all the
results obtained in our laboratory during the 12
months of 2013
(894 patients, 65% female and 35% male) and in 12 months of
2017 (1089 patients, 63% female and 37% male) for IgM of HAV
(HAVA IgM, Abbott, Architect i2000®). The range of results is
less 1.0 S/Co negative, upper 1.0 S/Co positive.
All the positive cases registered are arrived from
emergency units of our Hospital.
At the light of these results we are probably
observing a new epidemia. Regione Lombardia has suggested
four possible causes: subject with chronic hepatitis that received
concentrated treatment with coagulation factor, drugs abuse,
men who have sex with men, subjects under 14 years old that
have done trip. From these remarks, rescue aid becomes the
crossroads for taking over and managing this epidemia, perhaps
we could be largely prevented by inserting vaccination into the
mandatory program.
MMonari is the Director of Clinical Laboratory Analysis of Humanitas Research
Hospital and she is a contract Professor of two Italian University: Humanitas
University and Insubria University in Nurse degrees. She develops, in accord-
ing with the hospital direction, different investigation studies around topics of
health and security of blood collections and datas communications. She has
more than 45 poster published and 23 articles. She was Editorial Board mem-
ber for the Journal of Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine. She was
also Cheif Director or several courses and congress and speaker to them.