Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 16
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Geng Xue et al., J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2
Seasonal variation of phosphorus in sediments, overlying water, interstitial water in Lake Taihu
Geng Xue
Li Dapeng
Suzhou University of Science and Technology, China
o investigate the effect of benthic organisms on migration and conversion of phosphorus, our research carried out a
quarterly monitoring at two fixed sample points in Lake Taihu, between October 2017 and April 2018. The main contents
of the monitoring were the changes of phosphorus in the sediments, overlying water, interstitial water and microorganism
in sediments. Microbial content is characterized by using FDA hydrolase analysis. The SMT sequential extraction method
was applied in morphometry of phosphorus contained in surface sediment samples in two different trophic level regions of
northeast of Lake Taihu. The sum of all forms of phosphorus, which including NH
Cl-P, Fe-P, Al-P, Org-P, Ca-P, and Res-P
is regarded as total phosphorus. Through analysis all of them, we can obtain the migration and conversion of phosphorus in
sediments in different seasons. Through the determination and analysis of microbial content and bioavailable phosphorus
which including WSP, RDP, AAP, Olsen-P, the effect of microorganisms on migration and conversion of phosphorus can be
drawn. Then we can explore the role of benthos in it.
Recent Publications
1. Li D P and Huang Y (2010) Sedimentary phosphorus fractions and bioavailability as influenced by repeated sediment
resuspension. Ecological Engineering 36(7):958-962.
2. Li D P, Huang Y, Fan C X and Yuan Y (2011) Contributions of phosphorus on sedimentary phosphorus bioavailability
under sediment resuspension conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal 168(3):1049-1054.
3. Li D P and Huang Y (2013) Phosphorus uptake by suspended sediments from a heavy eutrophic and standing water
system in Suzhou China. Ecological engineering 60(11):29-36.
4. Li D P and Huang Y (2014) Distribution of added phosphorus in sediment under intermittent resuspension conditions.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 13(10):2593-2600.
5. Wu Xiaofei, Li Dapeng, Wang Ren and Wang Ming (2015) Bioavailability of sedimentary phosphorus under repeated
sediment resuspension with the addition of algae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(17):13004-13013.
Dapeng Li has completed his PhD at Harbin Institute of Technology and Postdoctoral studies at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of
Science. He is the Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering College at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, mainly engaged in the research
of phosphorus migration and transformation in sediments and overlying water in shallow lakes. He is the Director of Collaborative Innovation Centre at Suzhou
University of Science and Technology. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed