Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 87
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Spatial orientationof landuse activities alongBuffaloRiver estuary, a study inBuffaloCityMetropolitan
Municipality, Eastern Cape, SouthAfrica
Ngunga A, Soviti M K
Nakin S
Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
outh Africa is one of the developing countries rich in estuary ecosystems. Previous studies have identified many impacts of
land use activities on the pollution status of the estuaries. These land use activity and related practices are often blamed for
many pollution problems affecting the estuaries. For example, the estuarine ecosystems on a global scale are experiencing vast
transformations from anthropogenic influences; Buffalo River estuary is one of the influenced estuaries whereby the sources of
pollution are unknown. These problems consequently lead to the degradation of the estuaries. The aim of the research was to
establish the factors that have the potential to impact pollution status of Buffalo River estuary. Study focuses on identifying and
mapping land use activities along Buffalo River estuary. Questionnaire survey, structured interviews, direct observation, GPS
survey and ArcGIS mapping were the methods used for data collection in the area, and results were analyzed and presented by
ANOVA and Microsoft Excel statistical methods. The results showed that harbour is the main source of pollution, in Buffalo
River estuary, through ballast water discharge. Therefore that requires more concern on protecting and cleaning the estuary.
afikilengunga@gmail.comJ Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2