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Plant Genomics 2019

June 13-14, 2019

Berlin, Germany

Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research

ISSN: 2249-7412

Page 24

Plant Genomics



Edition of International Conference on


Bolortuya Ulziibat works as a researcher in the Plant

biotechnology laboratory of Institute of General and

Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. She

graduated her Ph.D course in Tohoku University, Japan in

2016. During her doctoral course, she conducted the research

work to identify cold tolerance gene of Yunnan landrace

‘Lijiangxintuanheigu’ in rice during booting stage. Her current

research work is tissue culture system development and gene

identification for rhizome development of Mongolian very

rare, and endangered plants used in traditional and modern


A. calamus

through the transcriptome analysis. She

is also working on the project that identifies the possibility to

establish micropropagation protocol for rare and endangered

plant species in the mining field and to apply them for

rehabilitation after mining exploitation.