Plant Genomics 2019
June 13-14, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research
ISSN: 2249-7412
Page 23
Plant Genomics
Edition of International Conference on
Establishment of regeneration protocol for Mongolian
subendemic species Oxytropis grubovii Ulzij
Bolortuya Ulziibat
Institute of general and experimental biology, Mongolia
ne of the Mongolian subendemic species, Oxytropis
grubovii Ulzij., grows as a perennial woody shrub
and registered in endangered plant list of Mongolia. It
distributed inMongolia gobi desert areawith high content
of underground wealth. Even it could be regenerated by
seed and vegetative organs; it did not produce the seeds
during last decade due to the lower rain-falling. Plants
growing in a part of the gobi, desert ecosystemdrastically
damaged by off-road vehicles, mining and pollution
depend on mining activity. Since, these native plants are
endangered and difficult to propagate by conventional
method, conservation and mass propagation in in-vitro
condition can play an important role in the rehabilitation
of mining site.
In this study, our research group established tissue
culture systemfor Oxytropisgrubovii Ulzij. Contamination
was highly occurred during the in vitro culture and
general reagents for sterilization could not work on that
woody shrubs. Washing in PPM solution together with
supplemental PPM in growth medium was reduced the
contamination rate until 60%. In the process of shoot
development, medium with combinations of BAP and
NAA, Kin and NAA, or BAP, TDZ and 2iP separately
investigated step by step. In a result, shoots were
effectively regenerated on the medium with 2iP (2.0
mg/l) and produced 15 shoots per explants within four
weeks. For rooting of these proliferated shoots, only
auxins of IBA, IAA, NAA or combinations of 2iP with
IBA tested consistently and results revealed that roots
were induced on the medium containing IBA and IAA
(2.0mg/l) with 20-30 percent. Produced root’s branching
in IBA supplemented medium were higher, however, root
length was too short. Whereas, roots were effectively
elongated when combining IBA with 2iP (5.0:1.0mg/l) on
the medium and root induction percentage were about
As indicated in these results, shoot and roots of Oxytropis
grubovii Ulzij. Can be regenerate
in in vitro
condition and
this regeneration protocol is first time developed for the
species. Preliminary test for
ex vitro
adaptation also
executed a time, however, results not identified yet.
Regeneration steps of Oxytropis grubovii Ulzij. A.
Proliferated shoots on the medium supplemented 2iP, B.
IBA effect for shorter root generation, C. Combination of
2iP and IBA induced longer and actively elongated roots,
D. Adaptation in
ex vitro
condition, E. Naturally growing
Bolortuya Ulziibat, AJPSKY 2019, Volume 09