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E u r o p e a n C o n f e r e n c e o n

Orthopedics and


Journal of Clinical & Experimental Orthopaedics

ISSN: 2471-8416

N o v e m b e r 2 9 - 3 0 , 2 0 1 8

Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s

Orthopedics and Osteoporosis 2018

Page 17


The patients with joint replacement surgery were mostly females (84.6%) of the average age of 59.23 (±13.0) years.The

patients had a median (interquartile range) of the age when RA was diagnosed of 54 (48.0-69.5) years, but the median of the disease

duration was 4 (1.5-10.0) years. The case and control group did not statistically differ by age (p=0.842), gender (p=0.715), disease

duration (p=0.387), the age when RA was diagnosed (p=0.589) and the onset of the complaints (p=0.902). BMI was 28.06 (24.89-

31.23) as calculated for the patients of the case group (p=0.247).

Amongst all joint replacement (total joint arthroplasty (TJA)) surgeries on the hip joints 38.5%were the unilateral hip joint replacements,

30.8 % were bilateral hip joint replacements; amongst knee joint replacement surgeries (total knee arthroplasty) 15.4 % were unilateral

and 23.1% bilateral knee joint replacements, only 7,7% were unilateral surgeries of the small hand joint.

Disease activity evaluated by the Das 28 (CRP) score for the case group was 4.10 (3.6-5.4) but assessed by the CDAI -23(15.2-36.2).

Diseaseactivity in thecasegroupdidnot differ fromthecontrol group, respectively theDas28score (p=0.367), theCDAI score (p=0.121).

High grade inflammation assessed as Das 28>5.1 was observed only in 25 % of cases, Fisher exact test( p=1.000 ); seropositivity (RF

and Anti CCP) was found in 76.9% patients with joint replacement therapy, however, it did not differ between the case and the control

group, respectively for RF (p=0.198), for Anti CCP (p=0.848). High titers of anti CCP were obtained in 7 % of cases, Fisher exact test

(p=0.296). HAQ did not differ between the case (1.5±0.84) and the control groups (1.2±0.81); (p=0.141). The joint erosive disease was

found in 100% of the case group patients statistically differing from the Pearson Chi-Square of the control group (p<0.001). Synovitis

was found equally in both groups (p=1.00) affecting 100% of the case group patients.

Amongst all case group patients 69.2% were suffering from primary arterial hypertension (p=0.764), 15.4% had experienced stroke

(p=0.611), but 7.7% had such comorbidity as diabetes mellitus (p=0.457). Smoking was detected in 30.8% of cases (p=0.394), long-

term smoking history was observed for 27.5 (19.75-45.0) years.


In our case-control study, high diseases activity evaluated as Das 28>5.1, high titers of Anti CCP (above 500 U) were not

good predictors of the joint replacement therapy.Neither the age when RA was diagnosed nor the age when the complaints started, as

well as seropositivity (Anti CCP, RF), synovitis in the small joints, comorbidities (primary arterial hypertension, stroke, diabetesmellitus),

smoking history, and BMI had some association with the joint replacement surgery. However, total joint arthroplasty was associated

with joint erosive disease evaluated by X-ray in the small joints of hands and feet


Evija Stumbra Stumberga is a Consultant Rheumatologist, Neurosonologist and Internal Medicine Specialist. She has completed her Post-doctoral studies in the Riga Stradins’

University. She has graduated the Residency of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. She has participated in the ‘Erasmus Exchange Program’ in the Whytenshaw Hospital,

Rheumatology Department, Manchester, United Kingdom in 2011. She has got the AAS degree and had courses in Internal Medicine in Salzburg. She has been specialized in

Neurosonology, worked as a Neurosonologist. She has got the DAAD degree in 2013 and has been worked in the Stroke Unit, Neurosonology Department in the Neurologisches

Zentrumder Segeberger Kliniken Gruppe in Bad Segeberg, Germany. She has published clinical and research works concerning rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis in reputed

journals and has been served as an Editorial Board Member of repute.

Evija Stumbra Stumberga et al., J Clin Exp Orthop 2018, Volume: 4

DOI: 10.4172/2471-8416-C1-004