Occupational Health 2018
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
Page 59
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Occupational Health and
or the realization of global positive impact a more safe and
secure work, there is a need for deeper understanding of how
nutrition affects productivity at the work place. Due to many
demands at theworkplace, maintaining a healthy diet at workmight
fall as a low priority. Getting time for eating and ample access to
vending machines, snacks, doughnuts, and other junk foods, the
workplace can derail the best-intentioned diet. Good nutrition
habits have a positive impact on occupational safety and health
and subsequently workplace productivity. It is well documented
that unhealthy foods lead to obesity and chronic diseases, while
lack of it can cause malnutrition among other disorders and
ailments. In both these instances, the effects are detrimental to a
strong, well-equipped workforce. What workers eat influence their
health and their productivity, so it is in the interest of all the social
partners unions, workers, employers and governments around the
world to contribute in their different ways to good nutrition and a
healthy diet at work.
Hezron Ngugi has graduated fromMt Kenya University with a BSc in Business
Administration and later a BSc in Public Health, with specialty in occupational
health and safety. He works at Unisafe safety and presently also works as
consultant with Kaileys Consortium Limited.
info.unisafe@gmail.comEffect of nutrition on health and safety
Hezron Ngugi
Opolo James
Unisafe Safety and Health Consultancy Limited, Nakuru, Kenya
Hezron Ngugi et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-006