Occupational Health 2018
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
Page 62
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Occupational Health and
comparative analysis of the mineral profile (MP) in hair in
practically healthy children of school age (6-18 years old), who
are residents of different regions of East Ukraine was monitored.
375 children who live in ecologically unfavorable areas (group I)
and 325 children living in relatively ecologically favorable regions
(group II) of East Ukraine were
examined.MPof children of the
1st group was characterized by significant reduction of essential
microelements (ME): Ca, Zn, I and Mn, against a background of
higher levels of potentially toxic ME: Ni, Cr, Cd and Rb and toxic
ME - Pb, Sr and As. The analysis of second group showed an
imbalance of the essential elements with decreasing of Ca, Zn,
Mg, P and significant decreasing of essential ME - Fe. It has
been also evidenced the deterioration of the mineral profile in
children aged 6-11 owing to a higher level of potentially toxic
ME in contrast to children of the older age group. During a past
decade, children of the East Ukraine developed reduction of Zn,
Mn, and Ca and elevations in the levels of Pb, Al, Sr, Ni, Cd and this
is explained by the state of the ecological environment of a large
industrial region. There is no doubt that an unfavorable state of
the environment creates a specific mineral profile and causes the
mineral imbalance even in conditionally healthy children, which in
turn may become the basis for the formation and development of
chronic pathology in children.
frolovatv67@gmail.comPeculiarities of the mineral profile of children living in the
east of Ukraine
Т Frolova
, I Siniaieva
, I Tereshchenkova
, N Stenkova
О Atamanova
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-006