t h
A n n u a l C o n g r e s s o n
Nursing & Healthcare
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
December 03-04 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Page 20
Nursing & Healthcare 2018
ultiples sclerosis and its increasing medical and physical dependency due to
clinical progression makes the daily care for patients with multiple sclerosis
more and more difficult and demanding. Controlling by and attending the family
doctor or even a neurologists is difficult due to often increased physical disability
and cognitive decline. Therefore, special educated nurses become more and
more demanding. Detailed knowledge should be transferred via special medical
courses. Basic knowledge in different medications and side effects, basic MRI
Knowledge, health controlling and cognitive decline will be demonstrated in the
talk, possibly in additional short courses. The talk will give an overview of medical
side effects, basic MRI knowledge with technical and anatomic/pathological
features and will give introductions to ongoing physical and cognitive controlling
and teaching possibilities. Facts are open for discussion
Multiple sclerosis nursing: need or luxus
Ernst-Wilhelm Radue
University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland
Ernst-Wilhelm Radue, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C5-013
Ernst-Wilhelm Radue obtained his medical degree from the
University Hospital in Freiburg, Germany, where he specialized
in Neurology and Psychiatry. He passed his Doctor examination
at the University Clinic of Neurosurgery in Zürich. Growing
up in the field of neurology and psychiatry, he has witnessed
the fundamental changes of Neurological and Psychiatric
assessments at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
in London where he deepened his studies in Neuroradiology
at the Lysholm Department while working with the world's first
CT scan in 1975. Ever since, he has been fascinated by the
synopsis of clinical imaging, clinical signs and neurophysiology
as well as functional imaging in MRI and went on to specialize
in Neuroradiology, Neurology and Psychiatry in Basel,
Switzerland. Prof.Radue led the diagnostic and interventional
Neuroradiological section of the Radiological Department of the
University Hospital in Basel from 1984 - 2009. In 1993 he was
appointed Professor of Neuroradiology.