t h
A n n u a l C o n g r e s s o n
Nursing & Healthcare
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
December 03-04 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Page 19
Nursing & Healthcare 2018
ur modern health care system requires technology that can deal with
multidisciplinary and complex processes, operations, and situations. The
EHR, by far, is one of the greatest health information technology innovations
that satisfy these requirements because of its efficiency and the effectiveness
of its features. This study sought to develop an in-depth understanding of how
underserved patients’ perspectives about their health and illness, can contribute
to greater use of the EHR. It also sought to improve their health outcomes and
maintain sustainable change in the lives of the underserved. A quantitative non-
experimental design study was conducted over a 6-week period outside of three
different internal medicine clinics, one in the Northwestern and the two others in
the Southeastern regions of Washington, DC. Surveys were distributed directly to
patients coming out of these health clinics, and participants sent their responses
viamail. Data collection included215 surveys out of 560, but, only 155fit the overall
study categories. Astrong level of significance in the relationships between clinical
outcomemeasures and the EHRwas identified at a 95% confidence interval. There
were considerable health determinants that demonstrated the essence of patients’
perspectives and the need for its incorporation into health outcomes measures
for the underserved populations. The study also identified sets of environmental
health predictors which acted as facilitators and contributors to a holistic health
management model designed to contribute to the needs of the underserved
communities. The holistic healthmodel and the individual care planmodel derived
from the study are applicable at the level of the underserved population. It can help
achieve sustainable health outcomes that will save lives and promote better health
Underserved patients’ perspectives on how the
EHR impacts their health
Marie Mirna Lexima
Health Services Unlimited LLC, USA
Marie Mirna Lexima, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C5-013
Marie Mirna Lexima is in the field of Health Services Research.
She is passionate about the use of Electronic Health Record as
a conduit to improve health and healthcare. She spent two years
working on her dissertation as a Doctoral Student at Walden
University and has conducted her quantitative research study
in several underserved communities. Her contextual holistic
care application model led to an integrative holistic health and
care plan models suitable to improve health and well-being
of the underserved and applicable in almost any health care
setting. She used system thinking and innovation diffusion
theories as the foundation for her holistic care conceptual
application model. This approach was conducive to the chronic
care management and care coordination motivational effort to
improve care, after years of experience working in outpatient
settings, and to fetch much value toward reaching replicable
and sustainable results.