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Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

April 23-25, 2018

Rome, Italy

Nursing Education 2018

Page 15



Edition of World Congress on

Nursing Education &



The CIEBE-CR Program developed a training course

aimed at nursing professionals, the course lasts four months

and is given annually -to date they have taken out 10 courses-

in the educational modality as a hybrid course. The participant

develops his research based on the evidence as the units of the

course are developed and upon completion will present his brief

review of literature, which may be submitted for publication.

Each participant is also assigned a tutor who will help in the

training process. During the process, the learning follow-up is

carried out through the formative evaluations and activities that

are requested of the participant and at the end of the course the

quantity and quality of final works presented and recommended

by the tutors for their publication is valued.


Ten courses on “Clinical practice based on evidence”

have been carried out since 2008 to date, aimed at health

professionals, especially nurses. 200 professionals who work

in different institutions of the country both in the hospital area

and primary health care have participated in the course. Of

the professionals participating in the 10 courses, only 150

have completed them. From the training of the course, 10

local centers of evidence-based research (CLIBE) have been

established to work with both primary and secondary research

andmotivate other health professionals to improve their practice

by strengthening safety in patient care.


Evidence-based nursing training is perceived as a

very important research methodology that must be mastered

by all nurses; however, there are personal and labor barriers

that underestimate, limit or hinder the development of this

methodology in daily clinical practice, it observes more support

in the last three years by the authorities of the health and social

security system of Costa Rica for training and Nursing update in

this research.


Ligia Patricia Rojas has completed his PhD at the age of 45 years from

UNED University. She is Catedratical Professor and Researcher in the Uni-

versity of Costa Rica. She is the Coordinator of Evidence-based Nursing

Research Collaboration Program in Costa Rica, Coordinator of Master’s

Degree in Gynecological, Obstetric and Perinatal Nursing in the Postgrad-

uate in Nursing Sciences at the University of Costa Rica. Editor in Chief of

the Current Nursing Journal of Costa Rica. She has published papers in

international and national journals and participates as a peer reviewer in

several nursing journals.

Follow-up of evidence-based nursing training

course taught by the ciebe-cr program of the

nursing school of the University of Costa Rica

Ligia Patricia Rojas Valenciano

Nursing School, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Ligia Patricia Rojas Valenciano, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-001