Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Med Mycol Open Access
ISSN: 2471-8521
Mycology 2017
September 25-26, 2017
Page 37
September 25-26, 2017 Chicago, USA
International Conference on
Mycology & Mushrooms
Upstreamand downstreamprocessing of
Ganoderma lucidum
mycelial extract:Aroad to natural remedies?
umankind has experimented with various sources and techniques to counter global health issues that include drug
resistance and newly-developed types of infections. In 2010, approximately 15 million people died from contagious
infections, despite the readily-available extensive synthetic prescribed drug combinations in the market. Extra effort must be
dedicated to the development of non-synthetic, natural-based remedies, particularly from medicinal mushrooms. To date, a
safely established mushroom called
Ganoderma lucidum
shows the potential to be one of the best natural-based medicinal
therapies combatting global health issues. This study describes the efficient production of the underutilised mycelium of
in vitro
testing of potential therapeutic effects obtained from the sulphated glucan derived from such mycelial
cultures. For
G. lucidum
, most of the reported positive bioactivities are obtained from the fruiting bodies and not from their
mycelial cultures. Such cultures represent amuch faster way to produce glucan from
G. lucidum
compared to extraction from the
flesh. If
G. lucidum
derived materials, having multifunctional effects are to be used to combat global health issues, they will need
to be produced in bulk, quickly, cheaply and to a consistent quality. A mycelial cultivation called repeated-batch fermentation
(RBF) has been done in a bioreactor solving the typical long cultivation time and generated efficient productivities. An elegant
sulfation technique was applied to the extracted glucan, thus enhancing the water-solubility and therapeutic responses via
multiple aseptic
in vitro
assays: antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory. The reported upstream
process of
G. lucidum
via RBF has successfully improved the glucan production with a shorter cultivation time. The downstream
process has indicated the benchmarks in battling global health issues, introducing a novel "quad-functional" approach of this
bioreactor-derived material. These two processes may lead to a natural remedy, thus overcoming the problem of using singular-
function synthetic drugs in health industries.
Brian McNeil
B.Sc. (1st Class Hons in Applied Microbiology, Strathclyde 1980), Ph.D. funded by Carnegie Trust in Fermentation Technology 1984. Lecturer in
Department of Bioscience 1989-1997, Senior Lecturer 1997-2003, Reader 2003, Professor of Microbiology 2005-date, Assistant Head of Institute 2009-2012
b.mcneil@strath.ac.ukWan Abd Al Qadr Imad Wan-Mohtar is a Senior Lecturer and Young Scientist in Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, and University of Malaya,
Malaysia. He is graduated from Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow under the supervision of fungal fermentation expert Prof
Brian McNeil and Prof Linda Harvey. His field of interest is on extended liquid fermentation and microbiology of mushrooms which rooted from BSc in Microbiology
(Oyster mushrooms), MSc in Food Biotechnology (Local Basidiomycetes) and PhD in Fermentation Technology (
Ganoderma lucidum
). He has his expertise in
mushroom liquid cultivation in order to boost the supply of the natural therapeutic compound thus improving health and wellbeing through
G. lucidum
. His optimisa-
tion of extended batch fermentation and sulphated glucan from
G. lucidum
mycelium creates potential pathways for replacing the singular-function synthetic drugs
via quad-functional sulphated glucan. He has built this idea after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration both in laboratories and
educational institutions.
wanqadir1987@gmail.comWanAbdAlQadr ImadWan-Mohtar
University of Malaya , Malaysia
Presenting Author:
Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad Wan-Mohtar, Med Mycol Open Access, 3:2, 2017
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8521-C1-001