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Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Med Mycol Open Access

ISSN: 2471-8521

Mycology 2017

September 25-26, 2017

Page 25





September 25-26, 2017 Chicago, USA



International Conference on

Mycology & Mushrooms

Biosynthesis and regulating mechanisms of patulin in Fungi

Statement of the Problem:

Contamination of food and feed by fungal secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins is a global

health issue. Patulin is one of important mycotoxins, and produced by several species belonging to

Penicillium, Aspergillus,

Paecilomyces, Byssochlamys.

Among them,

Penicillium expansum

infects a wide range of fruits and vegetables, and is the

main producer of patulin. Long-term exposure to patulin may cause serious health issues in humans, because patulin can

induce immunological, neurological and gastrointestinal diseases. Level of patulin in food has been limited in many countries

worldwide. However, the molecular mechanisms of biosynthesis and regulation of patulin are still unclear. Here, we identified

the gene cluster of patulin in

P. expansum

, and characterized functions of patulin genes.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:

Whole genome sequencing was performed for patulin producer

P. expansum


non-patulin producer

Penicillium italicum

. Bioinformatic analysis was used to identify patulin gene cluster. Knockout analysis

and subcellular localization were used to characterize gene function.


Whole genome sequences of

P. expansum

(33.52 Mb) and

P. italicum

(28.99 Mb) were obtained. A total of 71

backbone genes and 55 gene clusters related to secondary metabolism were predicted in

P. expansum

. Further, we identified a

cluster of 15 genes responsible for the biosynthesis of patulin. Patulin gene clusters within more than 10

P. expansum


fungal species were compared and gene loss in some non-patulin producing species was identified. The importance of all

the genes in patulin cluster is ascertained by gene knockout analysis. Deletion of the majority of genes completely blocked

patulin production. Among them, PePatL may act as a pathway specific transcription factor, and play essential role in patulin

biosynthesis. Moreover, LaeA, a global regulator, was also involved in the regulation of patulin regulation. In addition, patulin

production did not contribute to the pathogenicity of

P. expansum


Conclusion & Significance:

Our findings indicate previously unknown roles of genes in the patulin cluster and cast insight

into the molecular mechanism in biosynthesis and regulation of this important mycotoxin


Shiping Tian has her expertise in postharvest biology and technology in fruits. Her research fields mainly focus on Molecular mechanism of fruit ripening, senes-

cence and quality maintenance; pathogenicity and mycotoxin biosynthetic pathway of fungal pathogens and regulating mechanisms; induced resistance of fruit

against postharvest fungal pathogens. She has published more than 150 papers in international journals such as

Genome Biology, Plant Journal, Molecular and

Cellular Proteomics, Molecular Plant and Microbe Interactions.

She also acts as an Associate Editor of an international journal

Postharvest Biology and Technology


Shiping Tian

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Shiping Tian, Med Mycol Open Access, 3:2, 2017

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8521-C1-001