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E u r o p e a n C o n g r e s s o n
Vaccines & Vaccination
and Gynecologic Oncology
Vaccines & Vaccination and Gynecologic Oncology 2018
O c t o b e r 2 6 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 8
B u d a p e s t , H u n g a r y
Critical Care Obstetrics and Gynecology
ISSN: 2471-9803
e present the clinical and biochemical presentation of a pregnant woman diagnosed with acute renal failure of obstructive
origin in the biliary tract in the twenty-fifth week of gestation, which represents the first case with this association pub-
lished in our environment. The cause of renal hepatic failure was due to an obstructive biliary process that could be diagnosed
by imaging. The clinical and humoral picture was compatible with hepatic encephalopathy, acute renal failure (ARF) and severe
malnutrition. Pancreate retrograde endoscopy (ERCP) was suggested because of the history of open cholecystectomy; colangian
resonance (CABG) reported dilatation of the bile ducts without visualization of the lithic focus. Clinical management and appro-
priate obstetric behaviour allowed the remission of altered chemical values and the sustainability of pregnancy, reducing the risks
of morbidity and mortality for both mother and fetus. It is emphasized that the association between hepatic encephalopathy and
acute renal failure relates an uncommon isolated condition in pregnant women. The evidence details an incidence of 0.5 to 1.3%
during the puerperium and/or associated with chronic liver failure. In addition, it is concluded that the treatment in these patients
should be individualized and that, sometimes, the initial expectant behaviour offers favourable results.
ma.dolo_17@hotmail.comAcute hepatic renal failure, obstructive origin
in a pregnant management critic medicine and
Maria Dolores Guaman Lozada, Maria Paz Valdivieso Uriguen
and Ray Edison Andrade Marshall
Universidad de Guayaquil, Hospital de la Mujer Alfredo G Paulson Guayaquil-Ecuador
Crit Care Obst & Gyne 2018, Volume: 4