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Journal of Environmental Research

March 29-31, 2018

Vienna, Austria

Environmental Science & Technology 2018

Page 34



Edition of International Conference on

Environmental Science

& Technology


ofi Anan once said “knowledge is not lacking, what is lacking

as ever, is the will to turn this knowledge into practice”. Two

cases will be discussed one fromNorth Africa and the other from

Asia. The common factor is the will to turn knowledge into a

motivation power to induce positive changes that could pave the

way for innovation and sustainable development. The first case

discusses how research results can be turned into innovation

and community inspiration among dryland sorghum farmers in

the vast central clay plains of Sudan. The initiative was a regional

IDRC funded project to help farmers adapt to climate change in

east and central Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania).

The successful research on micro water harvesting techniques

has inspired young scientists to patent a Water Harvesting

Inter-row Planter (WaHIP) that can make ridges plant sorghum

in the bottom of the ridge in one operation that is carried out


rainfall water from running off the crop zone. The innovation

had directed the attention of the government officials and the

farmers. The results were overwhelming success with farmers

trying to produce their own prototype of WaHIP, Government

producing 4 WaHIP machines and a foreign company involved

in mass production. The second case explains how cooperation

between the Arabian Gulf University (AGU) through its unique

post-graduate programs and community service together with

high level initiatives, decision makers and farmers can push

constraints hindering agricultural development to its minimum

limits. The cooperation between Bahrain National Initiative

for Agricultural Development, AGU, the concerned Ministries

and the farmers is highlighted to explore win-win situation for

sustainable agricultural development. The results obtained so far

were encouraging for more actions based on informed decisions

supported by the political good will and inspiring leadership.


Abdelhadi A W has obtained his PhD in Global Science from Kobe Univer­

sity, Japan in 2000 where he spent two years in Postdoctoral studies. He

obtained his MSc degree in Agriculture and Biological Science from the

University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1992. He worked for the Agricultural

Research Corporation, Gezira Research Station for 22 years and as the Di­

rector of Soba Research Station for Saline & Sodic Soils. He worked for the

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development before joining the Arabian

Gulf University in 2011. He participated in more than 20 international con­

ferences and workshops and published more than 29 papers in refereed

prominent journals and is serving as a referee for more than five reputable

scientific journals.

Turning knowledge into useful actions

Abdelhadi A W

Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain

Abdelhadi A W, J Environ Res, Volume 2