Journal of Environmental Research
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Page 15
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology
Up to now, the only commercialized ways of municipal solid
waste (MSW) treatment are mass land-filling and mass burning.
In Japan, most of burnable wastes are incinerated, but not in
other countries, and still land-filling is the most popular way of
waste treatment all over the world. But the world recent trend is
to prohibit or limit land-filling of wasteswhile citizens do not want
to increase waste incineration in developed countries as well as
developing countries. On the other hand, major part of the world
is discharging non-segregated municipal solid wastes. Thus we
have to find out the utilization ways alternative to incineration
for non-segregated MSW. Pre-treatment of wastes requires
crushing, drying and deodorizing, which are normally different
processes. But we have developed innovative hydrothermal
treatment technology (HTT) which can perform these three
pre-treatment functions in one process utilizing high pressure
saturated steam. It shows the operating principle of HTT. Non-
segregated MSW are fed into the reactor, and then, 220
2.5MPa saturated steam is supplied into the reactor for about
30 minutes and the blades installed inside the reactor rotates
to mix MSW and steam for about 10 minutes. Then the product
is discharged after extracting steam. The product is powder-
like substance and the moisture content is almost the same as
the raw material, but is easily dried by natural drying. The inert
material such asmetal, glass and stones can be easily sieved out
after drying. There is almost no bad smell in the solid products,
and the products can be used as solid fuels which can be easily
mixed with coal for power generation or cement production. Only
10-15% of the product is enough for steamproduction in a boiler.
HTT has already commercialized in Japan, China and Indonesia.
Kunio Yoshikawa is a Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology and As-
sociate Editor of
Applied Energy Journal
. He has completed his Bachelor’s,
Master’s and Doctor degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology. His ma-
jor fields are Energy Conversion, Waste Management and Environmental
Engineering. He has been working in Tokyo Institute of Technology for
more than 38 years as a Research Associate, an Associate Professor and
as a Professor. He has published nearly 200 journal papers with the major
award of AIAA Best Paper Award, ASME James Harry Potter Gold Medal,
JSME Environmental Technology Achievement Award and Best Educator
Award of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
yoshikawa.k.aa@m.titech.ac.jpSolid fuel production from non-segregated
municipal solid wastes employing the
hydrothermal treatment
Kunio Yoshikawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Kunio Yoshikawa, J Environ Res, Volume 2