Dental Treatment 2018
Dentistry and Craniofacial Research
ISSN: 2576-392X
Page 58
September 10-11, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Dental Treatment
ex estimation is often a necessary step when constructing
a biological pro le from unidenti ed human remains. Teeth
are among the most frequently recovered human tissues that
remain after death as they are hard, long lasting, and resistance
to post-mortem insults. The most commonly reported tooth
measurements for sex estimation are the maximum mesiodistal
and buccolingual crown measurements. These measurements,
however, are difficult to obtain in worn teeth or crowns that
are embedded in the jaw. To solve this issue, the present study
investigated a new technique for sex estimation using volume
of the tooth root. For this purpose, a total of 170 3D models of
permanent maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were used for
sex estimation. The sample was composed of 41 individuals (23
males, 18females) fromtwo IronAgepopulations innorth-western
Iran (HasanluandDinkhaTepe).Tooth root volumemeasurements
were analysed by discriminant analysis and methods using SPSS
23.0 software package. The accuracy of sex estimation ranged
from 90.6-100% with single variables. In stepwise discriminant
function analysis maxillary andmandibular canines were found to
be themost discriminating variables providing an accuracy rate of
100%. This study shows that tooth root volume is highly sexually
dimorphic and can be very useful for sex estimation, especially
when the traditional dental measurements are not applicable. analysis of sexual dimorphism in anterior teeth
Seyedeh Mandan Kazzazi
School of History, Classics and Archaeology - University of Edinburgh, UK
J Dent Craniofac Res 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C3-009