Volume 3
Dentistry and Craniofacial Research
ISSN: 2576-392X
Page 62
August 16-17, 2018 Madrid, Spain
International Conference on
Dental Public Health & Dental Hygiene
International Conference on
General Practice & Primary Care
General Practice 2018
Dental Public Health 2018
August 16-17, 2018
Role of dentist in detection and reporting child abuse and neglect
Marwa Sabry
Kafr Elsheikh University, Egypt
Background & Aim:
Child abuse and neglect is a very serious problem that has long consequences for those involved and for
society in general. Dental professionals are in an exceptional position to identify and report these cases. Statistics of previous
studies revealed that only one percent of dentists reported suspected cases. Aims of the study are to help dentists to learn about
their ethical responsibilities and legal obligation toward child abuse cases and how to detect and report them.
This study will demonstrate types and consequences of child abuse and neglect and the prevalence worldwide. In
addition, ethical and legal concerns of different health care organizations related to dentists’ are reporting suspected cases. Oral
symptoms of child abuse and neglect will be discussed and classified according to the type: physical abuse, sexual abuse and
neglect. Physical abuse may results in lacerations of tongue, oral mucosa, palate, gingiva alveolar mucosa or frenum; fractured,
displaced, or avulsed teeth; facial bone and jaw fractures; burns; or other injuries. Sexual abuse may represents significant oral
manifestations as oral and perioral gonorrhoea, unexplained erythema or petechiae of the palate, particularly at the junction
of the hard and soft palate, pseudomembranous and condylomatous lesions of lips, tongue, palate and nose-pharynx. Dental
neglect is detected by untreated early Childhood Caries, odontogenous infection or pain, periodontal diseases.
Child abuse and neglect can be prevented by dentist’s awareness about their roles of reporting these cases and
strengthen their abilities to detect them in early stage.
dr.marwasabry7@gmail.comJ Dent Craniofac Res 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C2-006