Volume 3
Dentistry and Craniofacial Research
ISSN: 2576-392X
Page 73
August 16-17, 2018 Madrid, Spain
International Conference on
Dental Public Health & Dental Hygiene
International Conference on
General Practice & Primary Care
General Practice 2018
Dental Public Health 2018
August 16-17, 2018
J Dent Craniofac Res 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C2-006
Endocrown: Anew trend in digital dentistry
Safoura Ghodsi
Sasan Rasaeipour
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
rosthetic treatment of endodontically treated teeth has challenged the dentists for years. The reduced strength of these teeth
accompanied by consequences of available treatment modalities, make complicated situations. Proposed in 1999 by Bindl
and Mörmann as an alternative to the post-and-core supported crown, the endocrown is a one-piece ceramic construction
that is minimally invasive of root canals. Following the sound principals, it could be a reliable and acceptable treatment option.
The purpose of this lecture is to describe the indications, advantages and preparation guidelines for endocrown as well as the
materials used to achieve a reliable and durable result that will be described by step-by-step procedure on the patient.