E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Dental & Dental
Dental & Dental Hygiene 2018
Journal of Dental and Craniofacial Research
ISSN 2576-392X
M a r c h 2 6 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 8
E d i n b u r g h , S c o t l a n d
Page 49
ompletely edentulous patients often have problems with their complete
dentures; a treatment modality of using two, four or six implants to
support overdentures has been proposed to improve the retention as well
as the stability of the conventional denture, in addition to preserving the
residual alveolar bone. Several worldwide research studies tested the impact
of implant-assisted overdentures on satisfaction and quality of life and
concluded that individuals with implant-assisted overdentures were more
satisfied and had a better oral health quality than others with conventional
dentures. Implant-supported overdentures are indicated in clinical conditions
requiring high values of retention and stability such as cases of high muscle
attachments. Implant-retained overdentures offered a simpler, cheaper and
equally successful prosthetic solution compared to the fixed restorations
in the rehabilitation of maladapted edentulous mandibles. Moreover, they
provide enhanced masticatory function, higher patients' satisfaction and
quality of life than the conventional complete dentures. Systematic reviews
comparing implant-supported overdentures retained by utilizing a wide range
of attachment mechanisms were recently published. The implant-supported
treatment modality might be in the form of splinted implants (e.g. bar-retained
overdentures), or unsplinted implants (as in case of ball, locator or magnetic
attachments). Owing to the smaller space requirements, ease of cleaning,
more economical achievement and lower technique sensitivity; unsplinted
attachments have been preferred over splinted ones. The most common
maintenance requirement of any overdentures attachment, found to be the
renewal or reactivation of the retentive element. Inadequate inter-arch space
was found to be one of the major causes of bulk fracture of the acrylic denture
base. Furthermore, it might lead to inappropriate positioning of the denture
teeth with subsequent esthetic and phonetic problems. Locator’s attachments
presented the lowest profile of the currently available stud attachments.
Findings suggested that depending on the attachment system used, the
degree of patient satisfaction is directly affected by the amount of retention
and stability of the implant-supported overdentures. Learning objectives
of this presentation will be, detailed amplification of the implant-supported
overdentures, measuring the degree of patient satisfaction, simplifying the
procedures of overdentures construction, practical measurements of optimum
number of implants to be utilized and different construction approaches of
implant-assisted overdentures in both arches.
Mostafa Helmy Mostafa Ahmed completed PhD (Doctor De-
gree) in Implant Prosthetic Dentistry, Kasr El Aini, Cairo Univer-
sity in 2013, MSc (Master’s Degree) in Implant Prosthetic Den-
tistry, Kasr El Aini, Cairo University in 2010. He is an Associate
Professor in Prosthetic Department, Cairo University and was a
Lecturer in Prosthetic Department, Cairo University from 2010
to 2013. He was a Demonstrator in Prosthetic Department, Cai-
ro University from 2007 to 2010. He was a Resident in Prosthet-
ic Department, Cairo University from 2004-2007. He completed
BA degree from the Faculty of Dentistry in the year 2002.
dr.mostafahelmy@hotmail.comImplant-assisted overdentures: a paradigm relocation and
Mostafa Helmy Mostafa Ahmed
Cairo University, Egypt
Mostafa Helmy Mostafa Ahmed, J Den Craniofac Res 2018, Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C1-002