Crystallography 2018
Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication
ISSN: 2470-9905
Page 22
June 04-05, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Advanced Spectroscopy,
Crystallography and Applications
in Modern Chemistry
Recent Publications
1. Reichelt H., Paradies H.H. (2018) Structures and
anti- inflammatory properties of 4-halogenated-
mofeburazones. J. Mol. Structure, 1154: 204-218.
2. Paradies H.H., Ziedrich H.K., Flämig, H. H. (1990)
Structural studies on mofebutazone derivatives and
their in-vitro activities. J. Med. Chem. 25: 143-156.
3. Paradies H.H, (1987) Structure of phenylbutazone and
mofebutazone in the crystalline state and in solution.
J. Pharm.Sci.76:820-929.
4. Paradies H.H., Ziedrich H.K., Flämig H. H. Gan T. G.
(1987) Keto-enol tautomer of 1-phenyl-4n-butyl-
pyrazolidin- (1,5) - dione. Acta Technol. 33:180-188.
5. Paradies H. H., Schulte K.E. (1988) The Role of 2-(S)-
Acid in the Anti- Inflammatory Process, Ann. New York
Acad. Sci. 529: 221- 227.
6. Reichelt H., Faunce C. A., Paradies H. H. (2015)
Structures of the 2-nitrophenol alkali complexes in
solution and the solid state, J. Chem. Phys. 143:
7. Paradies H. H., Reichelt, H. (2016) Influence of the
anions on the N-cationic benzethonium salts in the
solid state and solution: Chloride, bromide hydroxide
and citrate hydrates, AIPAdvances6:065322-065346.
8. Paradies H. H., Habben F. (1990) The crystal and
molecular structure of hexadecylpyridinium chloride,
Acta Cryst.: C 49, 744-748.
9. Alonso B., Massiot D., Florian P., Paradies H. H., Gaveau
P., MinevaT. (2009) 14Nand 81Br quadrupolar nuclei as
sensitive NMR probes of n-alkyl trimethylammonium
bromide crystal structures. An experimental and
theoretical study, J. Phys. Chem. B.113: 11906-11920.
Prof. Henrich H. Paradies, FRSC & CC, MD, Ph.D., Ph.D.,
D.Sc.(h.c.) studied
bioinspired, smart andmulti-scalematerials with defined wettabilities of cat-
ionic lipids as components in antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory
ingredients, the inhibition of viral activities on the level of monomer or aggre-
gated sizes (cyclic peptides), adherence for brushy surfaces by clinging to
flaws and function of the organization on their specific head groups e.g. am-
monium vs. phosphonium groups, Zn-cationic lipid-alendronate complexes
or cyclic peptides with antimicrobial activities. The uptake of thesematerials
is dependent on free diffusion, micelle endocytosis, distribution through the
cytoplasms and disassembles into monomer to unfold full biological activ-
ities. A unique role plays the lipid A-phosphates and their approximants as
antagonist for chronic inflammation, food poisoning, allergens and resis-
tance against antibiotics. The mechanics and physics of these supramolec-
ular assemblies were analyzed in terms of bond-orientational order, mean
field phase diagram and disproportionate crystals or quasicrystals. (orcid.