Crystallography 2018
Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication
ISSN: 2470-9905
Page 30
June 04-05, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Advanced Spectroscopy,
Crystallography and Applications
in Modern Chemistry
he success of Medical Physics and Oncology in the
treatment of prostate and breast cancer, with an efficiency
greater than 99%, shows us that the resonance produced by
the equality of the wavelength of Rx and the Bohr radius at
low energies is a sufficient condition for an efficient cancer
radiation treatment, while ionization is the necessary condition.
Biochemistry and Biophysics converge to demonstrate that the
fundamental goal for cancer cure is to inhibit the synthesis of
ATP in the cell nucleus and selectively attack tumor cells. We
propose that it is possible to achieve a regeneration of ATP
at the mitochondria through a resonance of the phosphorus
bonds. A resonance region is created in a natural way at the
K-shell between the nucleus and the electrons at S-level. The
condition for the photons to enter into the resonance region is
given by ra>rn + λ.
he efficiency of radiotherapy is a function of resonance,
ionization and the effective cross-section of phosphorus
within the ATP, in terms of correcting cellular metabolism in
mitochondria. In addition, resonance is one of the causes
of ionization and allows us to measure the efficiency of
radiotherapy, which was corroborated with Monte Carlo
simulation performed with Geant4. The cancers treated with
low energy are cured, because resonances are created in the
atom of phosphorus which is a component of the DNA. The
other DNA atoms such as: H, C, N and O do not have resonances
giving this way stability to the DNA. The phosphorus atom has
larger X-ray resonances among the DNA components, having
an energy threshold of 2146 eV according to NIST and 1992 eV
according to Geant4. We then conclude that radiation cancer
treatment using X-rays is efficient only when they produce
resonances. We have also coined the term femtoscope
which measures dimensions and interactions in the range of
Figure 1.
Phosphorus resonance peaks. We can see the resonance peaks
obtained using Geant4 Monte Carlo Code for different energy limits of the
primary photons. Figure A shows absorption peak at 1992 eV, which was
a result of the resonance when using 10 kV primary photons. The peak at
10 keV is due to photons that did not have any interaction at phosphorus
target. We also have a Compton effect peak. The graphs B, C, D also indicate
resonance peaks at 1992 keV for primary photons at different energies.
Recent Publications
1. Wright RH, Lioutas A, Le Dily F et al. ADP-ribose-
derived nuclear ATP synthesis by NUDIX5 is required
for chromatin remodeling. Science. (2016).
2. François Le Dily, Davide Baù1, Andy Pohl et al.,
Distinct structural transitions of chromatin topological
domains correlate with coordinated hormone-induced
gene regulation Genes Dev. (2017).
3. Tong Zhang, Jhoanna G. Berrocal, Jie Yao et al. Are
poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by PARP-1 and deacetylation
by Sir2 linked?. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 12405–12416.
4. Hubbell, J.H and Seltzer, S.M. X-ray Mass Attenuation
Coefficients, Radiation Division, PML, NIST, 2017.
Available online:
https://www.nist.gov/pml/x-ray-mass-attenuation-coefficients (accessed on 01 May
Nicolas Recalde
Edward Jimenez
South Carolina University, USA
Central University, Ecuador
Nicolas Recalde et al., Struct Chem Crystallogr Commun 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2470-9905-C1-005