Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
ISSN: 2572-5548
Page 40
August 31-September 01, 2017 Brussels, Belgium
International Conference on
Chronic Diseases
International Conference on
Microbial Physiology and Genomics
Pain reduction and functionality of knee osteoarthritis through a 3D bioprinting device enriched of
bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in 10 patients over the age of 50
Joe Loui Carrillo
Terumo Medical, Mexico
10 patients of both sexes over the age of 50 clinically diagnosed with Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 or 3 knee osteoarthritis
and according to Lequesne’s evaluation and SF-36, controlled for associated sicknesses, inflammatory signs (oversensitive
reactive C protein, VSG, etc.,), mechanical axis radiometry, 60° axes, AP of knees bearing weight and of knees not bearing
weight, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of 3.0 T knees printed on Dicom, segmented by the Mimic system. Once the
segment is processed, it is printed in 3D with polycaprolactone (PCL) polymer. Simultaneously in the operating room through
arthroscopy, the identified region implant is placed. When concentrated bone marrow Concemo is taken simultaneously, stem
cells are introduced in the implant placed in the lesion inside of the scaffold, and the excess is left deposited in the articulation.
The knee is left to rest two weeks; physical therapy and progressive rehabilitation begin without weight being placed on the
knee. At four weeks, all assistance through walking support is taken away. Rehabilitation complete arc movement is recovered.
Radiological follow-up is given at three and six months, and three patients are randomly selected in order to undergo biopsies
at the placement site of the implant in order to corroborate the characteristics of the healed tissue taking into consideration
waiting time for type II collagen cells and knowing their geometric distribution in order to determine weight-bearing tolerance.
At the moment of the biopsy result, after six months of radiological follow-up and the random biopsy of three cases, the
monitoring according to protocol is completed. The patient should stop consuming anti-inflammatory medication.
Joe Loui Carrillo is an Orthopedic Traumatologist. He is an active member of the International Cartilage Repair Society since 2016. He is a Founder and General
Director of Center of Regenerative Medicine Queretaro, active member of International Geriatric Fracture Society 2015.
joelouicarrillo@gmail.comJoe Loui Carrillo, Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2017, 2:2
DOI: 10.21767/2572-5548-C1-002