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Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN 2472-1123
n d
E d i t i o n o f E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 9
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Chemistry 2019
axagliptin, a 2009 FDA-approved dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor,
is currently used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus either as monotherapy
or in combinations; however, its potential role against the renal ischemia/
reperfusion (I/R) insult has not been fully studied. Saxagliptin (10 and 30 mg/
kg; p.o) was administered after acute renal ischemia (1 hour)/reperfusion
(120 hours) at 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after reperfusion in male Wistar rats.
Assessing the renal tissues revealed that saxaglipitin repaired renal damage
caused by I/R via a kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1)- dependent mechanism.
Kim-1, which is a type-1 membrane protein, was able to activate the signal
transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) by phosphorylation at
tyrosine 705, and the latter activated hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-
1α), and its downstream vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This led to
enhancing the neovascularization repair of renal tissue, as well as improving
the histological structure of the I/R-damaged renal glomeruli and tubules.
Neovascularization involved the formation of new renal blood vessels, either
from already existing vasculature, in a process termed angiogenesis, or the
formation of new vessels, in a process termed vasculogenesis. This may
indicate a possible usefulness of clinical application of saxagliptin in renal
transplantation surgeries during which I/R injury commonly occurs
Saxagliptin repairs renal ischemia/reperfusion injury: role
of Kim-1/STAT- 3 signaling
Nada M Kamel
, Mai A Abd El Fattah
, Hanan S El-Abhar
Dalaal M Abdallah
Cairo University, Egypt
Future University in Egypt, Egypt
Nada M Kamel et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2019, Volume: 5
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-021
Nada Mohamed Kamel Mohamed is currently working as a
of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Her Master’s degree is based on
a study to decrease mortality rates and organ rejection after
transplantation surgeries. For this study, she used Wistar rats
and renal ischemia/reperfusion model.