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I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n
Physicians, Surgeons and
Case Reports
November 19-20 , 2018
Par i s , France
Medical Case Reports
ISSN: 2471-8041
PSCR 2018
he prevalence of intestinal mal-rotation as a cause of abdominal pain is rare in adults and normally presents during infancy.
Approximately 90% of patients with mal-rotation are diagnosed within the first year of life, 80% of them are diagnosed within
the first month of life. The case was a 34-year-old pregnant woman whom was admitted to the hospital due to self-limited
episodes of epigastric pain from young ages. The patient complained that the pains have worsened recently. Further clinical
investigation leads us to invasive intervention due to signs of obstruction and the patient was transferred to operating room.
: Mal-rotation of the mid-gut should be considered carefully in pregnant woman due to its similar signs and symptoms
with pregnancy and it's necessary to be aware of the condition and management of it in order to decrease morbidity and mortality
of the mother and neonate.
masoudandalib@gmail.comCongenital mid-gut mal-rotation with episodes of
pain for long period of time
Masoud Mohammad Andalib, Shahrzad Andalib, Hamid Taleb-
zadeh and Sayyed Mozafar Hashemy
St Alzahra Hospital-Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Med Case Rep. 2018, Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8041-C2-006