Case Reports 2018
Medical Case Reports
ISSN: 2471-8041
Page 55
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Clinical and Medical Case Reports
ullouspemphigoid (BP) isoneof themost commonautoimmune
bullous diseases, although its frequency is less than pemphigus
vulgaris (0.0004/100,000 vs 0.1-0.5/100,000 population [1]. In
recent prospective studies from Germany and Switzerland, the
annual incidence was about 12 to 13 new cases per 1 million
population [2, 3]. It is primarily a disease of the elderly with an
incidence among patients aged over 90 years being 40 per 100 000
population per year. The association of bullous pemphigoid with
many other diseases has been mentioned before, but no common
etio-pathogenic pathway has been demonstrated [4 5, 6]. The most
frequent associations are those with primary biliary cirrhosis,
psoriasis - 63.4%), and an unusual condition termed multiple
autoimmune syndrome (MAS), defined as the combination of
at least three autoimmune diseases in the same patient . With
multiple autoimmune syndrome, we observe a special frequency
of various dermatological autoimmune diseases, such as vitiligo,
bullous pemphigoid, and pemphigus vulgaris. We conclude that
there exists an association of Bullous pemphigoid & Thyroid
disease in our case being both autoimmune mediated. Based on
Humbert and Dupond classification, they belong to two different
types of class of Multiple Autoimmune syndrome (MAS). Although
not typical of MAS, a common pathophysiologic mechanism can
explain their co-existence. Both Autoimmune thyroid disease
(AITD) andBullous pemphigoid (BP) have autoantibodies belonging
to IgG class. Importantly, patients with AITD are known to express
HLA-B8 and the risk of its development is increased in patients
with haplotypes HLA-DR3 or HLA-DQA 1*501 & HLA-DR4 while BP
patients usually show HLA-DQB1, an HLA possibly associated with
multiple diseases of the APS group.
Randolf A. Perez is currently affiliated with the World Citi medical Center, Phil-
ralfperez_md@yahoo.comCoexistence Of Bullous Pemphigoid & Hyperthyroidism: A Case
Randolf A. Perez
Cecilia Ongjoco
World Citi Medical Center, Philippines
Randolf A. Perez et al., Med Case Rep. 2018, Volume 4