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August 14-16, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
Neurosurg, an open access journal
ISSN: 2471-9633
lzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of
dementia. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder
that leads to nerve cell death throughout the brain. It is a
growing public health problem with major socioeconomic
burden. The progression of AD is time dependent, it spread
spontaneously but there is a lack of data in understanding
its progression. By identifying the stage of the disease,
prediction is possible, symptoms can be expected and the
power to find real treatment will be enhanced.
Modeling stages of Alzheimer’s disease in rats:
(Al) has been implicated in aging related changes. It crosses
the blood brain barrier and has been found in both senile
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles-bearing neurons in
the brains of AD patients. Its neurotoxicity in animals has
been clearly established and shown to be involved in the
etiology of AD. To establish a model mimics AD in rats and
for modeling stages of the disease as well as to determine its
progression in the brain in response to time, different doses
of aluminum can be used for different periods. It was found
that 70 mg/kg of aluminum for 6 weeks represents the ideal
model that mimics AD in rats. The progression of the disease
is time dependent and just starts spread spontaneously
without more aluminum exposure.
Risk Factors and Protection of Alzheimer’s disease:
attention has been paid to AD risk factors; some risk factors
can be changed while others cannot. Modifiable risk factors
include stress, heavy smoking, excessive alcohol drinking,
depression, low education, cognitive and physical inactivity
as well as malnutrition. Exposure to stress represents a risk
factor in both induction and progression of AD especially in
thedevelopedcountries,whileproteinmalnutrition increases
both severity as well as progression of AD and represents
a socioeconomic problem especially in the developing
countries. There are many medical conditions that increase
the chance of developing dementia especially Parkinson's
disease and diseases related to learning disabilities. For the
complexity of the mechanisms involved in AD, multi-target
directed strategies by using combined therapies together
with physical and mental activities represent new promising
strategies for reduction of AD prevalence and for providing
marked symptomatic and disease modifying benefits
especially with risk factors. However, further researches are
needed to improve the quality of evidence associated with
reduction of AD prevalence and incidence.
Speaker Biography
Azza A Ali has completed her PhD specialized in Pharmacology and Toxicology from
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Her postdoctoral studies included different
scientific aspects related to her specialization field with giving especial interest to
researches of neuropharmacology and psychopharmacology; she also developed
research line of behavioral pharmacology in Egypt. She is member of many scientific
societies in Egypt as well as of (AAPS) American Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists (2002) and (ISTAART) The Alzheimer's Association International Society to
Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (2016). She published more than 50
papers in reputed journals, supervised and discussed more than 80 PhD, MSc thesis
and actively participated by oral and posters presentations at many international
conferences especially on Alzheimer's disease & Dementia as Dementia 2015,
2016 and Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2016). She has
many appreciation certificates and certificate of best presentation award at 19th
International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Pollution Control (ICEPPC
2017). Now she is a Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology Department at Al-Azhar
University and she sacrifices great effort hoping to find real treatment that can prevent
or delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease especially in the high-risk individuals
focusing on depression, stress and malnutrition.
azzamoro@gmail.comAluminum Induced Alzheimer’s disease: Induction, Progression, Risk Factors and Protection
Azza A Ali
Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Azza A Ali, Neurosurg 2017, 2:2
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-005