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P a r i s , F r a n c e
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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Nanotechnology 2019
EuroSciCon Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
apacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is one of the most famous
specialized forms of the VRP, which has attracted considerable attention
from scientists and researchers. Therefore, many accurate, heuristic and
meta-heuristic methods have been introduced to solve this problem in
recent decades. In this paper, a new meta-heuristic optimization algorithm is
introduced to solve the CVRP, which is based on the law of gravity and group
interactions. The proposed algorithm uses two of the four basic parameters of
velocity and gravitational force in physics based on the concepts of random
search and searching agents, which are a collection of masses that interact
with each other based on Newtonian gravity and the laws of motion. The
introduced method was quantitatively compared with the State-of-the-Art
algorithms in terms of execution time and number of optimal solutions achieved
in four well-known benchmark problems. Our experiments illustrated that the
proposed method could be a very efficient method in solving CVRP and the
results are comparable with the results using state-of-the-art computational
methods. Moreover, in some cases our method could produce solutions with
less number of required vehicles compared to the best known solution (bks) in
a very efficient manner, which is another advantage of the proposed algorithm.
Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi has received his PhD in
Software Engineering from Iranica University, Mazandaran, Iran
in 2017. He is the Author of more than 100 research papers in
refereed journals and International Conferences. His research
interests are in VRP, TSP, WSN and Scheduling. He is the
Member of several Editorial Boards, Member of several national
and international journals and conferences.
a.r.hosseinabadi@iaubeh.ac.irA new efficient approach for solving the capacitated vehicle routing
problem using the gravitational emulation local search algorithm
Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi
and Fatemeh Hasanpour
Islamic Azad University Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Iran
Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch, Iran
Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi et al., Nano Res Appl 2019, Volume:5
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C2-033