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Nano Research & Applications

ISSN 2471-9838

Advanced Nano 2017


Page 58

September 11-12, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands



International Conference on

Advanced Nanotechnology

Identification and estimation of nonlinearity

in nano metrology system resulting from

target velocity

Saeed Olyaee, Masood Sherafat


Reza Ebrahimpour

Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran


n the present study, we investigate the structure of

Developed Three-Longitudinal Mode Heterodyne

Interferometer (DTLMI). Then, the output relations of each

part are obtained considering Polarizing Beam Splitter

(PBS) leakage. According to this computational study,

the identity of error in phase measurement is examined

through simulations. According to these investigations,

the error is as frequent changes around the real value and

its amplitude is proportional to the leakage of Polarizing

Beam Splitter (BPS). The results reveal that 2% leakage

causes 3.18 nm and 2.05 nm errors at high and low target

speeds, respectively. Target speed is also a determinant

factor in the generated error type, so that in the speeds

higher than a particular limit, 45 degree shift is seen in the

periodic error and the amount of error will be larger.


Saeed Olyaee received his BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from

University of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran, in 1997 and MSc and the PhD degrees

in Electrical Engineering specializing in Optoelectronics from Iran University of

Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, in 1999 and 2007, respectively.

He has established the Nano-photonics and Optoelectronics Research

Laboratory, NORLab, in 2006 and currently, he is the Head of NORLab and

Dean of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Shahid Rajaee Teacher

Training University SRTTU), Tehran, Iran. He presented and published more

than 100 scientific conference and journal papers, book, and book chapters,

and currently, he is Technical Manager of Journal of Electrical and Computer

Engineering Innovations (JECEI) and member of scientific committee of

several national and international conferences. His main research interests

include “Nano-displacement measurement, optical instrumentation and

photonic crystal fibers”.

Saeed Olyaee et al., Nano Res Appl 2017, 3:3

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C1-003