Nano Research & Applications
ISSN 2471-9838
Advanced Nano 2017
Page 74
September 11-12, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
Microfluidic one-step preparation of
magnetic PVA microspheres with magnetic
hyperthermia effect and magnetic resonance
Qin Wanga*, Yajiang Yanga
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
oly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) microspheres are a kind of
vascular embolic materials commonly used in clinic
for the interventional therapy of tumor. The drug loaded
magnetic PVA microspheres would be combined with
chemoembolization and magnetic mediated hyperthermia,
which also could be seen under magnetic resonance
(MR). In this paper, PVA microspheres encapsulated in
situ-forming superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
(SPIO NPs) have been prepared by one step using a
T-junction droplet-based microfluidic device. Herein, PVA
aqueous solution containing Fe2+/Fe3+ salt was used as
dispersed phase and liquid paraffin containing surfactants
was used as a continuous phase. The PVA droplets
containing Fe2+/Fe3+ salt formed in the microchannel
were dripped into NaOH solution. Wherein, SPIONPs were
formed by the reaction of Fe2+/Fe3+ with OH-, and the in
situ synthesized SPIO NPs acted as a cross-linking agent
for PVA to form PVAmicrospheres. The obtained magnetic
PVA microspheres had regular morphology with uniform
size (~320 μm). Under external alternating magnetic
field, the temperature of the microspheres dispersion was
elevated more than 8 ℃ and the magnetic microspheres
could be detectable under the magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). The results of cytotoxicity test showed
that microspheres had good biocompatibility. While the
cytotoxicity of the doxorubicin-loaded microspheres under
42 ℃ was more than that under 37 ℃, which indicated
that the hyperthermia therapy and chemotherapy had
synergetic effect to kill the tumor cells. Thus, the one-
step prepared magnetic drug-loaded PVA microspheres
integrated interventional chemoembolization therapy,
hyperthermia therapy and MR visualization. Research & Applications