Advance Nursing Practice 2018
Session Chair
David Robert Rice
City of Hope National Medical Center, USA
Session Co-Chair
Kemoh Rogers
University of East Anglia, UK
Session Introduction
Day 1
J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 8
S e s s i o n s
Nursing Primary Care | Nursing Education &
Research | Types of Nursing | Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing | Rehabilitation therapy
| Neonatal Care and Midwifery | Gynaecological
Nursing | Nursing Informatics
Skin and Wound Integrity Model of Care (SWIM) – An innovative, integrated, patient-centred model
for wound management across one local health district in the Sydney Metropolitan area – The view
from a Nurse Practitioner perspective
Catherine Johnson
Northern Sydney Home Nursing Service, Australia
The role of nurse (practitioner) to improve the diagnosis of urinary tract infections in nursing home
J Haaijman,
River Region Elderly care centre, Netherlands
Factors affecting hospital ethical climate perception and malpractice susceptibility of nurses
Nuray Turan,
Istanbul University, Turkey
The translational field; from research to clinical practice
Marianne K. Thygesen,
Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Malene K Larsen,
Odense University Hospital, Denmark,
Therese L Hansen,
National Health Service, UK
Effects of taste and olfactory stimulus on glucose kinetics in normal healthy subjects
Yoshiko Hasebe,
Nayoro City University, Japan