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Advance Nursing Practice 2018

J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 87

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN 2574-2825


t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Advance Nursing Practice


ascular dementia is an extended pathology between the adult and elderly population which represents 10%-20% of all the types

of dementia. The principal cause is a generalised degeneration of the cerebral functions, for example due to atherosclerosis and

cerebral vascularisation. In the last years, the author was doing some research with forty seven cases of vascular dementia. The 47

cases were compounded by 32 male and 15 female ages ranging between 47-69 years with an average age of 51 years. The course of

the disorder (vascular injury) was between 5-30 months. The criteria to participate in the study were: proved cerebro vascular accident

using CT scan, deteoration of mental capacity, including calculus, deteoration of the language comprehension and the judging capacity;

memory changes (agnosia, aphasia, personality change or disorientation), other symptoms (instable walking, anal incontinence and/

or urinary incontinence, paralysis), guaranteed by exhaustive exam the presence of atherosclerosis and CCSE


≤ 20 points and FAQ


5 points according with vascular dementia society

Results & Discussion:

In the 47 cases, the team could get 24 notorious improvement; 20 improvement and three cases no change.

There is some literature and bibliography showing the puncture of Du20, Du16, GB31, Du26 and LI11 causes vessel dilation in the brain,

improving the cerebral circulation, increasing the oxygenation, absorption of glucose and prevent the destruction of the proteins, which

lead towards an intellectual improvement. The puncture of LI11, Sp6 and L3, can reduce the cholesterol, reduce the blood pressure and

prevent the agglutination of thrombus, which induce a reduction in the thickness and hyper clotting, leading better blood results. So, we

could conclude that acupuncture has a significant therapeutic result in this pathology. We could see better results in younger patients

and with more recent diagnosis. So, this is one of the reasons why is so important an earlier diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of vascular dementia with

acupuncture – 47 cases

Tiago Silva

Middlesex University, UK

J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C3-009