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Advance Nursing Practice 2018

J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 80

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN 2574-2825


t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Advance Nursing Practice


The ER nurse has a role in the patients and family education, despite the rush and the lack of time, the ER nurse must edu-

cate and make sure the patient has understood everything before he leaves the hospital. Some of them are not using the primary care

for different reasons, and leave themwithout follow up. So it is important to make sure they understand what happened and the conse-

quences of their illness. As much the chronic disease like diabetes, than the acute patients like head trauma. Plus it reduces the stress

level of the patient, and he becomes an operator in his own health. The ER nurse will become a safety advisor in any circumstances and

promote wellness.

Personal skills:

An ER nurse requires few skills. As she will deal with a wide diversity of illness and injuries, and a wider diversity of

individuals, coming from different backgrounds, with different culture. They will need to adapt to each one, at their level. They will be

exposed to difficult situations as the death, life threatening emergencies, psychiatric decompensation, etc… So they need to stay focus

despite the pressure. Stress is the daily basis in the ER, and every second count, so time management is a key as well. The ER nurse

needs to think fast, focus, be multiple tasking, all of it while staying compassionate.


One the main skills required as a ER nurse is to prioritise. The work can easily comes from everywhere at the same time, and

it can happen to have more than one life threatening emergency at once (Mass casualties accident for example). But remember, there

is only one that comes first. The triage nurse has only few minutes to assess patients, collect the medical history and to determinate if

the urgency of the patient. They will need to anticipate and find out the nearly unstable patient. So they need to make rapid decisions.


The ER nurse is on the frontline, they welcome the patients and their families. They give the first impression to the people who

comes in. This is a very important task and responsibility to welcome individuals at the hospital. They transmet his values. Especially

in a new economic system, where health system becomes a business, and care providers promote their employers and their morals.

Dallongeville Pauline

Emergency Nursing care

Pauline Dallongeville

Croix Rouge Francaise d’Arras, France

J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C3-009