Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Page 24
Nutrition, Dietetics and Nutraceuticals
February 25-26, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
World Congress on
World Nutrition 2019
he protein energy wasting (PEW) is a real and unavoidable threat in
patients affected by advanced chronic kidney failure (CKD3-5) but
above all patients undergoing dialysis (CKD5D). The report discusses the
classification of PEW and about the triggering causes and its maintenance
and/or worsening. Almost all the CKD3-5 showone ormore signs of PEWdue
to inflammation and retention of toxic molecules that produces malnutrition
and speeds up the progression of renal failure towards dialysis treatment.
Furthermore, it exposes patients to all the worst comorbidities. In CKD5D
patients the situation is even worse because the uremic inflammation is
magnified by dialysis and especially hemodialysis. This report illustrates
the most recent findings from literature and from many years of personal
experience. Recently, after being forgotten for a decade, the importance of
two determining factors for PEW is emerging: the loss of useful substances
with dialysis such as amino acids even in the amount of about 1 kg per year,
both essential and non-essential that branched chain types. This translates
into a sure loss of fat mass but above all lean mass (muscles) with serious
impairment of patients’ autonomy and quality of life if they is not lucky to
receive a kidney transplantation in a short time. The other new strand is the
now consolidated and proven impairment of intestinal microbiota by uremia.
Therefore, international and personal experiences are reported to remedy
and slow down the inexorable steps of PEW towards cachexia.
The protein energy wasting: the “Sword
of Damocles” on the patients affected
by chronic kidney failure
Piergiorgio Bolasco
Conservative Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease Study
Group of Italian Society of Nephrology, Italy
PiergiorgioBolasco is aNephrology Consultant since
40 years and was the Former Director of Territorial
Department of Nephrology and Dialysis of Cagliari
Area (Sardinia) for 20 years. His area of research
interest includes dialectic methodologies, renal
nutrition, chronic kidney diseases, renal lithiasis.
He is a Member of Organizing Committee of World
Nutrition OMICS Congress. He is the Author/Co-
author of 382 scientific publications and abstracts
on nephrology and dialysis techniques including
national and international journals and books. His
79 publications are currently present in Med-line. He
is the Reviewer of Journals like Kidney International,
Nephron, Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation,
Journal of Nephrology, American Journal of Kidney
Disease, Artificial Organs, BMC Nephrology. He is
the Member of Editorial Board of Giornale Italiano
di Nefrologia, Journal of Nephrology, Minerva
Urologica e Nefrologica and Editorial Manager of
International Journal of Artificial Organs.
pg.bolasco@gmail.comPiergiorgio Bolasco, J Clin Nutr Diet 2019, Volume: 5
DOI: 10.4172/2472-1921-C1-004