Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 50
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
A human health risk assessment of perfluorononanoic acid using a physiologically - based
pharmacokinetic model
Hea Young Cho
Yong Bok Lee
Cha University, South Korea
Chonnam National University, South Korea
erfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) is a one of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and is widely detected
in the environment and humans. PFNA are known to effect on developmental toxicity and to associate with serum
cholesterol, children's reading skill, and atopic dermatitis. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a physiologically-
based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for PFNA in female rats, and apply to a human health risk assessment. The PBPK model
of PFNA was established after the oral or intravenous administration of PFNA in female rats (at dose of 0.5-3 mg/kg). The
biological samples (plasma, nine tissues, urine, and feces) were analyzed using ultra-liquid chromatography coupled tandem
mass spectrometry. The tissue-plasma partition coefficient (Kp) was estimated as the ratio of concentration in tissue to that in
plasma. The PBPK model of PFNA was fitted by WinNonlin (Ver. 6.4) and Berkeley Madonna software. The Kp values of PFNA
in rats were increasing tendency in different tissues like spleen (0.025), heart (0.034), lung (0.056), kidney (0.247), liver (0.466)
and other tissues were classified as rest of body. The key parameters were estimated at 800 µg/h of transport maximum, and
114428 µg/L of transport affinity constant. The PBPK model in rats was extrapolated to a human PBPK mode based on human
physiological parameters. The reference dose of 4.5 µg/kg/day and external dose of 0.12 µg/kg/day for human risk assessment
were estimated using Korean biomonitoring values. This study provides valuable insight into human health risk assessment
regarding PFNA exposure.
Hea Young Cho is an Associate Professor of College of Pharmacy at CHA University. She received her PhD degrees in Biopharmaceutical Science from Chonnam
National University. She had been served as a Postdoctoral fellow at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and Deputy Director of Clinical Trials Management
Division at Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA). Her research interest involves the investigation about PK/PD modeling and ADMET. She is currently an
Associate Editor of
Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
and a Scientific Chair of The Korean Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology.
hycho@cha.ac.krHea Young Cho et al., J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2