Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 60
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Research in the Development of Oxitec, ANew Refractory
Rafal Kalbalczyk
he work has presented the research outcomes regarding the development of a composition for a new refractory used as
furnace lining for fireplace inserts as well as for free-standing fireplaces. Ten different mixtures have been developed,
compositions of which included the following raw materials: corundum, cement, bisque, andalusite and fireclay. The said
mixtures have been concentrated with the relevant oxides, quantities of which have been respectively 2%, 5%, 8% and 10% of
the entire sample weight. The total number of 440 items has been prepared and they have subsequently been subject to sensory
assessment and examination with regards to their mechanical strength and thermal properties. The works have resulted in the
selection of a composition for a new refractory called OXITEC. Figure 1. Samples under examination regarding their thermal
properties and the prototype of a fireplace insert with OXITEC lining
Operational energy and emission examinations have been performed for a prototypical fireplace insert equipped with the
standard lining and with the components made of OXITEC material. The relevant measurements have been carried out at a test
stand in the internal laboratory of the company called
Kratki.pl, based on the norm PN-EN 13229 Fireplace inserts together
with solid-fuel open fireplaces – Requirements and examinations. The examination findings have been compared with the
outcomes applicable to the hitherto used fireclay material. Owing to the new material, the increase in device efficiency and the
decrease in carbon oxide emissions have been achieved.
r.kalbarczyk@kratki.comRafal Kalbalczyk, J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2